signum-network / signum-xt-wallet

Cryptocurrency wallet for the green Signum 🍀 blockchain as an extension for your browser.
MIT License
14 stars 6 forks source link

📣 For those who open issues... #10

Open ohager opened 2 years ago

ohager commented 2 years ago

I appreciate that the community reviews the project and takes their time to open issue here. I kindly ask you to follow these guidelines when opening an issue on Github

What is Bug?

A bug is a failure of a certain functionality, such that the functionality is partially or entirely broken, i.e. cannot execute a transaction, app crashes on certain actions, erronously shown transaction content, especially values and calculations etc.

What is not a Bug?

Translation errors or even new Translation requests, Layout issues (which do not break a functionality) are no bugs

What is a Feature Request?

Of course, request for new features are feature requests. But also improvements on existing features, which also includes layout or translation improvements.

Submission Guidelines

For sake of simplicity two templates are available, which guides you through the submission requirements. Please, take the time to submit the issue as complete as possible, such that it is comprehensive and in case of bug reports reproducable. Often one image tells more than thousand words.

I will decline poorly described Feature Requests or Bug reports (latter depends on severity).

Please, try to reduce my workload as much as possible by providing complete descriptions.

Thank you for your comprehension
