sigp / lighthouse

Ethereum consensus client in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Lighthouse bootnode not discovering lighthouse beacon nodes #6302

Closed rohitasb closed 3 weeks ago

rohitasb commented 3 weeks ago


Following It sets geth PoA private network and then converts it to PoS with lighthouse as consensus client.

I have created and run 2 Geth PoA nodes + 1 Signer Node and they are connected with each other. Then used web3 js library to js source files - deploy-deposit-contract.js, distribute-validators.js, transfer-deposit.js Then ran lcli commands: lcli eth1-genesis & lcli generate-bootnode-enr Then imported the keystores of the validators to the lighthouse data directories

Next it would setup consensus client - 1 bootnode + 2 beacon nodes + 2 validator nodes

My issue is that bootnode has not discovered the beacons nodes. Peer count of beacon nodes is 0.

To run bootnode:

$LIGHTHOUSE_CMD boot_node \
    --testnet-dir $CONSENSUS_DIR \
    --port 4011 \
    --listen-address \
    --disable-packet-filter \
    --network-dir $CL_BOOTNODE_DIR \
    < /dev/null > $CL_BOOT_LOG_FILE 2>&1

To run beacon node:

$LIGHTHOUSE_CMD beacon_node \
    --datadir $datadir \
    --testnet-dir $CONSENSUS_DIR \
    --execution-endpoint http://localhost:$(expr $BASE_EL_RPC_PORT + $index) \
    --execution-jwt $datadir/jwtsecret \
    --enable-private-discovery \
    --http-allow-origin "*" \
    --staking \
    --http \
    --http-port $http_port \
    --disable-packet-filter \
    < /dev/null > $log_file 2>&1

Beacon Nodes tried to sync and but sync is stalled as peer count is 0. Later, I tried adding --boot-nodes $ENR_MULTIADDR to above beacon node command. I tried giving both the bootnode's enr and multiadrr when running beacon nodes.

Ran beacon node 1: it is was stuck (it was just waiting and not showing any effect)

 lighthouse beacon_node \
    --datadir ./data/node1/lighthouse \
    --testnet-dir ./data/consensus \
    --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8601 \
    --execution-jwt ./data/node1/lighthouse/jwtsecret \
    --enable-private-discovery \
    --http-allow-origin "*" \
    --staking \
        --boot-nodes "enr:-MS4QAQICbmKxDxymg_WqnZKdhS0I9RBoHDAF-SGAy1o-p_yfO7SFFhcE9uQ2S7Our9e12RiVXvUEYLNKfyCrp25RgYBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpB6zWmpcAAAaf__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhH8AAAGJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJVFj9umfZ8pNEsSFOIQO8fbSW61BnlDRLxXdvTJyJuN4hzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgiMohHRjcDaCD6uDdWRwgg-r" \
    --http \
    --http-port 9601 \
    --disable-packet-filter \
    < /dev/null > ./data/node1/lighthouse/beacon_node.log 2>&1

Ran beacon node 2: its beacon_log show error

lighthouse beacon_node \
    --datadir ./data/node2/lighthouse \
    --testnet-dir ./data/consensus \
    --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8602 \
    --execution-jwt ./data/node2/lighthouse/jwtsecret \
    --enable-private-discovery \
    --http-allow-origin "*" \
    --staking \
        --boot-nodes "enr:-MS4QAQICbmKxDxymg_WqnZKdhS0I9RBoHDAF-SGAy1o-p_yfO7SFFhcE9uQ2S7Our9e12RiVXvUEYLNKfyCrp25RgYBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpB6zWmpcAAAaf__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhH8AAAGJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJVFj9umfZ8pNEsSFOIQO8fbSW61BnlDRLxXdvTJyJuN4hzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgiMohHRjcDaCD6uDdWRwgg-r" \
    --http \
    --http-port 9602 \
    --disable-packet-filter \
    < /dev/null > ./data/node2/lighthouse/beacon_node.log 2>&1

Beacon node 1 Logs:

Aug 23 14:14:11.522 INFO Logging to file                         path: "./data/node1/lighthouse/beacon/logs/beacon.log"
Aug 23 14:14:11.524 INFO Lighthouse started                      version: Lighthouse/v4.3.0-dfcb336
Aug 23 14:14:11.524 INFO Configured for network                  name: custom (./data/consensus)
Aug 23 14:14:11.524 INFO Data directory initialised              datadir: ./data/node1/lighthouse
Aug 23 14:14:11.525 ERRO Missing UDP in Multiaddr /ip4/
Aug 23 14:14:11.525 WARN Discv5 packet filter is disabled
Aug 23 14:14:11.525 WARN Running HTTP server on port 9601
Aug 23 14:14:11.525 INFO Deposit contract                        address: 0x8c25516abe4ce5d1f7633136850c3be84f4938dd, deploy_block: 5
Aug 23 14:14:11.570 INFO Starting from known genesis state       service: beacon
Aug 23 14:14:11.659 INFO Block production enabled                method: json rpc via http, endpoint: Auth { endpoint: "http://localhost:8601/", jwt_path: "./data/node1/lighthouse/jwtsecret", jwt_id: None, jwt_version: None }
Aug 23 14:14:11.707 INFO Beacon chain initialized                head_slot: 0, head_block: 0x6cd3…ee42, head_state: 0xca8f…2616, service: beacon
Aug 23 14:14:11.708 INFO Timer service started                   service: node_timer
Aug 23 14:14:11.708 INFO UPnP Attempting to initialise routes    service: UPnP
Aug 23 14:14:11.711 INFO ENR Initialised                         udp6: None, tcp6: None, tcp4: Some(9000), udp4: None, ip4: None, id: 0xa2c6..a35d, seq: 1, enr: enr:-K24QPqqen4hmCvue_JuP6jqhtkNBLMeMD6_z93TAaUnqdgzemCMeuF2Lt1wGqu87VTlr1kcifc57em2KSTIb2WMJE8Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpCUjIgCAQAAAQEAAAAAAAAAgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaECk2l9WDTRhmgQu1BjFmgy2-oUt_LNilxieFfvxoszGv2Ic3luY25ldHMAg3RjcIIjKA, service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:11.711 INFO Contacting Multiaddr boot-nodes for their ENR, service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:11.711 ERRO Error getting mapping to ENR            error: InvalidMultiaddr("A UDP port must be specified in the multiaddr"), multiaddr: /ip4/, service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:11.712 INFO Libp2p Starting                         bandwidth_config: 3-Average, peer_id: 16Uiu2HAm5M7Cy3p7FiL9yc58zgxgLTvKsM49LT2pei1NGo9HaEP6, service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:11.713 INFO Listening established                   address: /ip4/, service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:11.713 INFO Deterministic long lived subnets enabled, subscription_duration_in_epochs: 256, subnets_per_node: 2, service: attestation_service
Aug 23 14:14:11.713 INFO Subscribing to long-lived subnets       subnets: [SubnetId(37), SubnetId(38)], service: attestation_service
Aug 23 14:14:11.716 INFO HTTP API started                        listen_address:
Aug 23 14:14:11.718 INFO Execution engine online                 service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:11.718 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:11.719 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:11.719 ERRO Failed to check transition config       error: EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }), service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:11.878 INFO Imported deposit log(s)                 new: 40, total: 40, latest_block: 13, service: deposit_contract_rpc
Aug 23 14:14:15.500 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:15.500 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 22, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:15.500 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:15.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:15.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:15.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:18.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:18.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 23, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:18.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:18.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:18.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:18.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:21.500 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:21.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 24, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:21.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:21.504 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:21.504 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:21.504 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:21.717 INFO UPnP not available                      error: IO error: Resource temporarily unavailable (os error 11), service: UPnP
Aug 23 14:14:24.500 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:24.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 25, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:24.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:24.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:24.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:24.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:27.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:27.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 26, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:27.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:27.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:27.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:27.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:30.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:30.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 27, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:30.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:30.503 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:30.503 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:30.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:33.500 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:33.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 28, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:33.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:33.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:33.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:33.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:36.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:36.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 29, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:36.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:36.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:36.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:36.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:38.000 INFO Subscribing to new fork topics          service: network
Aug 23 14:14:39.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:39.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 30, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:39.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:39.503 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:39.503 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:39.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:42.500 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:42.500 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 31, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:42.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:42.501 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:42.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:42.502 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:44.001 INFO Transitioned to new fork                new_fork: Altair, old_fork: Base, service: network
Aug 23 14:14:44.001 INFO Updating the ENR fork version           next_fork_epoch: Epoch(2), next_fork_version: [2, 0, 0, 1], fork_digest: [10, 128, 108, 8], service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:44.002 INFO Network will unsubscribe from old fork gossip topics in a few epochs, remaining_epochs: 2, service: network
Aug 23 14:14:45.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:45.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 32, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:45.502 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:45.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:45.503 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:45.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:48.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:48.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 33, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:48.502 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:48.503 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:48.503 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:48.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:51.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:51.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 34, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:51.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:51.503 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:51.503 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:51.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:54.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:54.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 35, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:54.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:54.503 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:54.503 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:54.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:57.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:57.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 36, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:57.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:14:57.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:57.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:14:57.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:15:00.501 WARN Low peer count                          peer_count: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:15:00.501 INFO Searching for peers                     current_slot: 37, head_slot: 0, finalized_epoch: 0, finalized_root: 0x6cd3…ee42, peers: 0, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:15:00.501 WARN Syncing deposit contract block cache    est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:15:00.502 WARN Execution engine call failed            error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:15:00.502 ERRO Unable to get transition config         error: Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: "invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc" } }, service: exec
Aug 23 14:15:00.503 ERRO Not ready for merge                     hint: try updating Lighthouse and/or the execution layer, info: Could not confirm the transition configuration with the execution endpoint: "EngineError(Api { error: ServerMessage { code: -32000, message: \"invalid ttd: execution 280 consensus 0xdc\" } })", service: slot_notifier
Aug 23 14:15:03.501 WARN Low peer count 

Beaco node 2 Logs:

Aug 23 14:14:42.169 INFO Logging to file                         path: "./data/node2/lighthouse/beacon/logs/beacon.log"
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 INFO Lighthouse started                      version: Lighthouse/v4.3.0-dfcb336
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 INFO Configured for network                  name: custom (./data/consensus)
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 INFO Data directory initialised              datadir: ./data/node2/lighthouse
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 ERRO Missing UDP in Multiaddr /ip4/
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 WARN Discv5 packet filter is disabled
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 WARN Running HTTP server on port 9602
Aug 23 14:14:42.175 INFO Deposit contract                        address: 0x8c25516abe4ce5d1f7633136850c3be84f4938dd, deploy_block: 5
Aug 23 14:14:42.233 INFO Starting from known genesis state       service: beacon
Aug 23 14:14:42.308 INFO Block production enabled                method: json rpc via http, endpoint: Auth { endpoint: "http://localhost:8602/", jwt_path: "./data/node2/lighthouse/jwtsecret", jwt_id: None, jwt_version: None }
Aug 23 14:14:42.333 INFO Beacon chain initialized                head_slot: 0, head_block: 0x6cd3…ee42, head_state: 0xca8f…2616, service: beacon
Aug 23 14:14:42.333 INFO Timer service started                   service: node_timer
Aug 23 14:14:42.334 INFO UPnP Attempting to initialise routes    service: UPnP
Aug 23 14:14:42.336 INFO ENR Initialised                         udp6: None, tcp6: None, tcp4: Some(9000), udp4: None, ip4: None, id: 0xbb77..b315, seq: 1, enr: enr:-K24QP_bm2BfC53GHvM62b26JoqgMsQvTuV0iu-Fqj4nRn9cJN15cXEIZSg5EzONeeifDFXPGpX_J_qbtG3AAwbSApwBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpCUjIgCAQAAAQEAAAAAAAAAgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDTL4e9XO1qvgxfVT5E3ZRNSvKevEeqm_9kqfiOHhfyaSIc3luY25ldHMAg3RjcIIjKA, service: libp2p
Aug 23 14:14:42.538 INFO Imported deposit log(s)                 new: 40, total: 40, latest_block: 13, service: deposit_contract_rpc
Aug 23 14:14:42.558 CRIT Failed to start beacon node             reason: Failed to start network: Error(Libp2p(Msg("Io(Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: \"Address already in use\" })")), State { next_error: None, backtrace: InternalBacktrace { backtrace: Some(   0: error_chain::backtrace::imp::InternalBacktrace::new
   1: <error_chain::State as core::default::Default>::default
   2: <lighthouse_network::types::error::Error as error_chain::ChainedError>::from_kind
   3: lighthouse_network::service::Network<AppReqId,TSpec>::new::{{closure}}
   4: beacon_node::ProductionBeaconNode<E>::new::{{closure}}
   5: futures_util::future::future::FutureExt::poll_unpin
   6: <futures_util::future::select::Select<A,B> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
   7: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
   8: <futures_util::future::future::flatten::Flatten<Fut,<Fut as core::future::future::Future>::Output> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
   9: tokio::runtime::task::core::Core<T,S>::poll
  10: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
  11: tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run_task
  12: tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run
  13: tokio::macros::scoped_tls::ScopedKey<T>::set
  14: tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::run
  15: tokio::runtime::task::core::Core<T,S>::poll
  16: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
  17: tokio::runtime::blocking::pool::Inner::run
  18: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
  19: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
  20: std::sys::pal::unix::thread::Thread::new::thread_start
  21: start_thread
             at ./nptl/pthread_create.c:442:8
  22: __GI___clone3
             at ./misc/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone3.S:81
) } })
Aug 23 14:14:42.558 INFO Internal shutdown received              reason: Failed to start beacon node
Aug 23 14:14:42.558 INFO Shutting down..                         reason: Failure("Failed to start beacon node")
Aug 23 14:14:42.559 INFO Saved beacon chain to disk              service: beacon
Aug 23 14:14:52.437 INFO UPnP not available                      error: IO error: Resource temporarily unavailable (os error 11), service: UPnP
Failed to start beacon node



Using lighthouse v4.3.0 and same for lcli (Lighthouse CLI Tool Lighthouse/v4.3.0-dfcb336) . Note: Because new versions of lighthouse doesn't have lcli eth1-genesis, I used v4.3.0 version where it is available.

Present Behaviour

Describe the present behaviour of the application, with regards to this issue.

Expected Behaviour

CL Bootnode and Beacon node should connect with each other. They should sync with geth PoA network and then switch PoS.

Request Help

How should I solve this peer connectivity issue and have PoA switch to PoS? You could also share on how to set up geth + lighthouse private PoS network with latest version of lighthouse, geth, lcli

michaelsproul commented 3 weeks ago

I think the repo you're following is too old. Trying to do a merge transition won't work because Geth and Lighthouse no longer support it (see a similar recent issue:

If you want to run a local testnet, please use the latest version of Lighthouse and the script here: