sigrlami / api-monobank

Haskell client for Monobank Api
MIT License
23 stars 1 forks source link

Where I can find contribution gide? #1

Closed tomfun closed 5 years ago

sigrlami commented 5 years ago

Just started 3 hours ago. Later today, I'll push updated version and will be able to accept contributions.

sigrlami commented 5 years ago

@tomfun package operational with servant-client. There are small work with error required and updating example app. You can easily load in REPL with stack repl and use it interactively. For example, loading personal information:

repl> :load src/Monobank/Api.hs
repl> :set -XOverloadedStrings
repl> getPersonalInfo' (Just "bm90IHNvIGZhc3QgSm9obm55")
sigrlami commented 5 years ago

This commit adds afb50e397f9b39af74d2a9562adf8b204a86f45f Contribution guide through simple PR-based approach. Just fork repo add your corrections and submit for review.