sigrokproject / pulseview

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Getting 16 ch logic analizer with two low cost 24MHz 8 ch #74

Open ohojvat opened 1 month ago

ohojvat commented 1 month ago

I have buyed two 8 channel 24 MHz Saelae compatible logic analizers

Current available software do not allows to have both pluged into USB at the same time

So I am using 2 PC when I need more than 8 channels

I am working with NRF24L01+ link and for each side SPI needs 4 ch (for decoding data) and one for IRQ at minimum

I am requesting to sigrok people if they can please do this improvement to Pulse View software.

I can't find it in current versions

Regards, Osvaldo

abraxa commented 1 week ago

Hello, this is a feature that has been requested repeatedly but it's not trivial to implement. The main reason is that there are delays that cause the data acquisition of both devices to be started at different times. Without a common synchronization signal, it's impossible to say what that delay is. For most use cases, having 16 channels measured where 8 channels are out of sync with the other 8 channels won't produce usable results.

One could, of course, use a common start signal for both logic analyzers to synchronize them but this is again not trivial to do and one would lose one channel for each device. For some use cases this may be acceptable but the question of how that signal is generated also needs to be addressed.

There's a patch I created for testing that starts all sessions at the same time - if you would like to try that, let me know. It's crude but maybe it's better than nothing.