sigsep / open-unmix-pytorch

Open-Unmix - Music Source Separation for PyTorch
MIT License
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Zenodo model should have the separator.json file included #104

Closed sevagh closed 5 months ago

sevagh commented 3 years ago

If I want to download the umx pretrained model, I can get the target.json and target.pth files from Zenodo, but it's lacking the separator.json:

It's pretty easy to generate but do you think this should be in the Zenodo collection of files? FWIW here's the default separator.json for umxhq:

  "nfft": 4096,
  "nhop": 1024,
  "sample_rate": 44100,
  "nb_channels": 2
faroit commented 3 years ago

@sevagh yes, good point. Zenodo is painful when it comes to json since you can't download them directly or save them in the root dir... but i can update the repos

sevagh commented 3 years ago

Can the pretrained model download be a single zip containing the 4 training logs, separator.json, and the 4 pth files? The working UMX setup.

Or is it split up in Zenodo for flexiblity? E.g. to be able to download each model separatey.

faroit commented 3 years ago

it was split to allow torch.hub to be used with zenodo. For torch.hub a direct link to the pth file is required