sigstore / cosign

Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries
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support verification of the signature with multiple public keys #950

Open developer-guy opened 2 years ago

developer-guy commented 2 years ago


The idea is actually came from here^1. We can support verification of the signature with multiple public keys, I couldn't think over the design much yet but, at the end of the day it might look like the following:

$ cosign verify --key awskms:///1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab --key hashivault://testkey --key k8s://default/mysecret  <IMAGE>

cc: @dentrax @dlorenc @JimBugwadia @hectorj2f

hectorj2f commented 2 years ago

Yes, this scenario makes sense and we are planning to donate that implementation to cosigned.

hectorj2f commented 2 years ago

As briefly detailed here, it will support multiple keys.

hectorj2f commented 2 years ago

Regarding AND or OR question, we are today following an OR approach. However I am more inclined towards an AND that follows an airport security checking approach.

developer-guy commented 2 years ago

So, can we start working on the implementation of it with an AND approach, or what are the other concerns should we consider first?

hectorj2f commented 2 years ago

I'd like to hear @dlorenc thoughts about which approach would fit better.

dlorenc commented 2 years ago

I think either one is fine, it worries me that it might not actually be clear though :(

AND is safer since it would "fail closed".

dlorenc commented 2 years ago

I wonder if it would make sense to move this up to the policy level rather than in flags.

What if you could pass in a simple cue file with public keys, that could contain more complex and/or logic:

dlorenc commented 2 years ago

Also: I think there are at least three places we can handle this (maybe differently!):

adamd-vmw commented 2 years ago

AND is safer but OR is a valid use case.

"admit the pod if the image was signed by this system/team or that system/team or this vendor" etc.

probably more common than the AND use case.

my position is that the user should have the choice to configure AND or OR, or 3 of 5, or at least 2, or whatever.

stormqueen1990 commented 2 years ago

For the CLI, would it be fair to have flags specifying the policy (i.e., --policy-type any-of/all-of) and a threshold number (i.e., --threshold 1)?

dlorenc commented 2 years ago

AND is safer but OR is a valid use case.

Yep... in the CLI where it's implicit I'd feel safer with AND. I'd rather figure out a way to be explicit about it though.

houdini91 commented 2 years ago

Just asking out of curiosity, sorry if i am off topic. Wouldn't doing something similar for attestations make also sense ? (maybe using envelope and dsse signers that support multi signer flow)

dlorenc commented 2 years ago

Wouldn't doing something similar for attestations make also sense ? (maybe using envelope and dsse signers that support multi signer flow)

Yes probably!

I wrote this up with some other ideas on custom polices:

I'd love some early feedback!

JimBugwadia commented 2 years ago

Currently cosign.VerifySignatures takes a signature.Verifier and loops through all signatures and invokes the verifier. Can this be refactored to push multiple signatures to a new abstraction that performs the logic to verify the entire set against policies or other declarations?

Something like this:

type Verifier interface {
     VerifySignatures(signatures []oci.Signature, opts ...signature.VerifyOption) error

type MultiKeyVerifier struct {
    // the number of verifiers that must be applied (defaults to 1)
    // - all: min = len(verifiers)
    // - any: min = 1
    // - count (e.g. 2/5): min = count
    min int
    // the list of keys to attempt
    verifiers []Verifier

func (mv *MultiKeyVerifier) VerifySignatures(signatures []oci.Signature, opts ...signature.VerifyOption) error {
    // todo - verify signatures based on signature sets
    return nil

type CueVerifier struct {
  // todo - declare or construct a Cue policy

func (mv *CueVerifier ) VerifySignatures(signatures []oci.Signature, opts ...signature.VerifyOption) error {
    // todo - verify signatures based on Cue policy
        return nil

We can then support different verifiers e.g. CueVerifier, MultiKeyVerifier, SingleKeyVerifier, etc. that perform the necessary checks and pass or fail the entire signature set or attestation set.

Dentrax commented 2 years ago

Kind ping here 🙏

houdini91 commented 2 years ago

Issue/PR may be relevant.

JimBugwadia commented 2 years ago

Hi @houdini91 @Dentrax - is the plan to use the MultiEnvelopeSigner in cosign.VerifySignatures?

developer-guy commented 2 years ago

Hi @JimBugwadia, IMHO, there are things that we have to decide what we should do first like:

am I right @dlorenc @hectorj2f ?

hectorj2f commented 2 years ago

Yes, you are right in my opinion.

Should it be evaluated AND or OR when we define multiple keys?

For our use cases, we need to answer this question ☝🏻 which is more important at this moment. It should be configurable because it sounds like a realistic situation at many customers.

Should we define a threshold number to make it valid check for defining at least N keys should be evaluated as true?

I am not sure this is necessary if we decide on using cue to define the AND/OR policy for the keys, as proposed from @dlorenc .

houdini91 commented 2 years ago


Hi @houdini91 @Dentrax - is the plan to use the MultiEnvelopeSigner in cosign.VerifySignatures?

I am down with what ever the community leader think is best. My own view of the support is as following 1) Add DSSE multi sign/verify support as specified by spec DSSE Multi sign spec PR is in progress 7 2) Add support to sigstore code base using the MultiEnvelopeSigner and MultiEnvelopeVerifier 3) Hopefully until this time there will be better answers how cosign multi sign verifying process. I am guessing cosign may decide it wants to pass the verified key list via policy or other logic as well as threshold or maybe they will decide to always use signal envelope signer witch are simply multi signers/verifiers with a default threshold of 1. In any way the basic building block will be (1) and (2).

ls250412 commented 5 months ago

We have a use case for the OR multiple public keys. On testing we can see only AND support currently, has the support for OR based multi-keys stalled over the last 2 years or has it been taken elsewhere?

mymichu commented 3 weeks ago

We would also be interested in this feature to verify multiple pub keys. Is there any movement? We have the use case that we are automatically rotating our secrets; currently, we would have to implement the verification of multiple pubkeys with a wrapper around cosign. It would be great if cosing would support multiple pub.keys verification.

Example I have a file with the following content:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

If I execute the following command and Key2 is valid I would expect a valid validation:

console cosign verify-attestation --type cyclonedx --key image:latest

The current behaviour is if Key 1 is valid the the verifications step above is valid but not with a valid Key 2.