sigstore / policy-controller

Sigstore Policy Controller - an admission controller that can be used to enforce policy on a Kubernetes cluster based on verifiable supply-chain metadata from cosign
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How can I disable mutation for managed sidecars #1220

Open BitRacer opened 7 months ago

BitRacer commented 7 months ago

I'm using a managed version of service mesh in GKE, Anthos Service Mesh. The managed service mesh injects envoy sidecars and references the containers by tag, not with a sha. The result of mutating the sha on the sidecar is that ASM cannot determine what version is installed and chaos ensues.

Is there a way to disable mutation for a container, or set of containers. for example*

I only want to skip this mutation for theses sidecars. Not for the main container, which is signed and delivered with a sha

I can't find any examples of how to set this in the cluster policy or mutating webhook config.

hectorj2f commented 7 months ago

@BitRacer I wouldn't recommend to disable the mutation for a container. In addition to that, I won't recommend it as a security best practice consists on relying on digests instead of tags.

hectorj2f commented 7 months ago

It is not possible today to disable it with the existing source code. Feel free to make any changes to that logic.

zhuoyang commented 1 month ago

It would be nice to be able to disable the mutation, it is more obvious what version of image is running on the cluster There are container registries that support immutable tags anyway, that could resolve the security concern of using tags.

Mukuls77 commented 2 weeks ago

cosign support verify using image with Tag, as during cosign verify cosign converts tag to digest before doing the verification, so i dont see really the benefit of doing the mutation in policy controller to modify IMAG:TAG -> IMAGE@sha256 as with this in podsepcs we loose the important TAG information, it would be nice if policy controller does not do this mutation and let cosign library does it. do we have an specific reason why we do this in policy controller before calling cosign verify