sigstore / rekor

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Allow configurable client signing algorithms #1724

Open tetsuo-cpp opened 11 months ago

tetsuo-cpp commented 11 months ago


I've filed similar issues under Cosign and Fulcio. I realise there's a lot of overlap in maintainers, but wanted to make sure that we discuss each project that we plan to touch. Apologies if this feels a bit spammy.

Hi there! At Trail of Bits, we're looking at potentially implementing part of the Configurable Crypto Algorithms proposal (specifically Phase 1). I wanted to float this idea to each of the relevant Sigstore sub-projects so we can hash out the details in a more concrete way.

Across the Sigstore stack, we default to using ECDSA for signatures and SHA256 for hashing. There's more detail in the linked proposal but there are a number of motivations for wanting to customise the signatures that are generated, including paving the way for post-quantum signatures. The proposed design includes having a "supported algorithm" registry (perhaps this can go in the Protobuf specs) that outlines enumerates the approved signature/hash algorithm combinations. We specifically don't want to allow arbitrary mixing and matching of signature and hash algorithm to avoid some of the security pitfalls listed in the proposal.

I'm not super familiar with the Rekor side of things but I expect that there's a few places where the assumption that the client signing algorithm is ECDSA-SHA256 is hardcoded, so we'll need to make those more flexible. We can also add a flag like --client-signing-algorithms=alg-1,alg-2 that can be used in case a given Rekor instance wants to constrain the list of supported algorithms to be more restrictive than the aforementioned registry.

tetsuo-cpp commented 11 months ago

Taking some notes on where we'll have to make changes:

haydentherapper commented 11 months ago

Rekor signs its checkpoints and SignedEntryTimestamps, and verifies signed artifacts. Also note that the merkle tree uses sha256 for hashing its leaves, but this does not need to be updated for PQ.

Like Fulcio, signing keys are either stored in memory (for testing instances), on disk (again, for testing), or KMS. The comments made in are relevant here. We can update the in-memory signer to be configurable. Most changes will need to occur in sigstore/sigstore. Making the changes in sigstore/sigstore will also let Rekor accept artifacts signed with PQ algorithms.

The hashedrekord + ed25519 edge case can be fixed by using ed25519ph, which should be a part of the registry.

ret2libc commented 8 months ago

I've started the work to add support for ed25519ph in and the related changes in Rekor with . However, I'm not sure about the changes to hashedrekor. Do we need a new hashedrekor version to allow sha512 as a possible value in

ret2libc commented 8 months ago

@haydentherapper do you think --client-signing-algorithm in Rekor should restrict only the type of algorithms of hashedrekord or for all kind of records? Shall we start with hashedrekord only or support all types from the start?

haydentherapper commented 8 months ago

No, we shouldn't need a new hashedrekord version to support an additional hash algorithm. sha256 is encoded in the request, like We might ignore it in hashedrekord now, but the client must specify the hash algorithm, even if the choice is only sha256.

For --client-signing-algorithm, this is a good question and a bit tricky. Each Rekor type supports a "verifier". The most common verifier is "x509" (not the most precise naming), which includes certificates or keys. That's what is used for hashedrekord, rekord, dsse, and intoto, the most used Rekor types. There are also other verifiers - pgp key, ssh cert, minisign, pkcs7 (for JARs) and TUF metadata - which are used throughout the types. For example, rekord supports 4 of these.

Given the purpose of this work to support PQ, I would have this flag dictate the algorithms only for the x509 (cert/key) verifier initially. It would be ideal to also be able to dictate which algorithms can be used for ssh, pgp, etc, but a) this might be tricky depending on the underlying library used for verification, and b) handling the cert/key case will cover the most common types. (For what it's worth, we've actually run into this already, that our PGP library version doesn't support ed25519. It'd be nice to be able to note that, but it's not top priority)

ret2libc commented 8 months ago
diff --git a/pkg/api/entries.go b/pkg/api/entries.go
index 4efba7b..2ecce57 100644
--- a/pkg/api/entries.go
+++ b/pkg/api/entries.go
@@ -18,11 +18,17 @@ package api
 import (
+       "crypto"
+       "crypto/ecdsa"
+       "crypto/ed25519"
+       "crypto/rsa"
+       "crypto/x509"
+       "strings"

@@ -177,12 +183,72 @@ func GetLogEntryByIndexHandler(params entries.GetLogEntryByIndexParams) middlewa
        return entries.NewGetLogEntryByIndexOK().WithPayload(logEntry)

+func checkEntryAlgorithms(entry types.EntryImpl) (bool, error) {
+       verifiers, err := entry.Verifiers()
+       if err != nil {
+               return false, fmt.Errorf("getting verifiers: %w", err)
+       }
+       // Get artifact hash from entry
+       artifactHash, err := entry.ArtifactHash()
+       if err != nil {
+               return false, fmt.Errorf("getting artifact hash: %w", err)
+       }
+       artifactHashAlgorithm := artifactHash[:strings.Index(artifactHash, ":")]
+       var artifactHashValue crypto.Hash
+       switch artifactHashAlgorithm {
+       case "sha256":
+               artifactHashValue = crypto.SHA256
+       case "sha512":
+               artifactHashValue = crypto.SHA512
+       default:
+               return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupported artifact hash algorithm %s", artifactHashAlgorithm)
+       }
+       // Check if all the verifiers public keys (together with the ArtifactHash)
+       // are allowed according to the policy
+       for _, v := range verifiers {
+               identities, err := v.Identities()
+               if err != nil {
+                       return false, fmt.Errorf("getting identities: %w", err)
+               }
+               for _, identity := range identities {
+                       var publicKey crypto.PublicKey
+                       switch identityCrypto := identity.Crypto.(type) {
+                       case *x509.Certificate:
+                               publicKey = identityCrypto.PublicKey
+                       case *rsa.PublicKey:
+                               publicKey = identityCrypto
+                       case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
+                               publicKey = identityCrypto
+                       case ed25519.PublicKey:
+                               publicKey = identityCrypto
+                       default:
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       if !api.algorithmRegistry.IsAlgorithmPermitted(publicKey, artifactHashValue) {
+                               return false, nil
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return true, nil
 func createLogEntry(params entries.CreateLogEntryParams) (models.LogEntry, middleware.Responder) {
        ctx := params.HTTPRequest.Context()
        entry, err := types.CreateVersionedEntry(params.ProposedEntry)
        if err != nil {
                return nil, handleRekorAPIError(params, http.StatusBadRequest, err, fmt.Sprintf(validationError, err))
+       areEntryAlgorithmsAllowed, err := checkEntryAlgorithms(entry)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, handleRekorAPIError(params, http.StatusBadRequest, err, fmt.Sprintf(validationError, err))
+       }
+       if !areEntryAlgorithmsAllowed {
+               return nil, handleRekorAPIError(params, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("entry algorithms are not allowed"), fmt.Sprintf(validationError, "entry algorithms are not allowed"))
+       }
        leaf, err := types.CanonicalizeEntry(ctx, entry)
        if err != nil {
                if _, ok := (err).(types.ValidationError); ok {

Right now I got something working with the above patch.

However I wonder whether this is the right approach or if the verifiers should have a way to accept the AlgorithmRegistry and do the check themselves. That might be a bit hard to do as we need to pass the algorithmRegistry across a bunch of layers, I think.

haydentherapper commented 7 months ago

It's most straightforward to add this where you suggested. If you pass this down to the verifier, you'll also need context if this is an upload vs fetch (for example, I could imagine we might restrict rsa-2048 in a distance future, but we don't want to break verification of existing entries).

One upside is that this'll also gate keys in other verifier structures, like ssh and pgp. If this is unexpected, we might see feedback that deployers want to control this per-verifier rather than across the entire API, but i'm good with this.