sigstore / root-signing-staging

Staging TUF repository for Sigstore trust root
Apache License 2.0
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Human readable repository state #115

Closed jku closed 4 weeks ago

jku commented 2 months ago

Production root-signing relies on documentation that's manually kept up-to-date to list who the root signers are, what delegations exists, which artifacts the repository contains etc. This has significant downsides and I'd like to avoid this manual work.

It's completely reasonable to expect the tooling to automatically describe important repository details in a way that is always up-to-date and readable in a browser. Some options:

  1. javascript solution that dynamically reads metadata and produces html that describes the repo (this requires no build steps but does require someone with js skills)
    • the advantages of this approach are less uploading (since the html+js does not need to change when metadata changes) and ability to make content time-aware ("Next root signing event starts in 2 days")
  2. a doc-build step in tuf-on-ci-build-repository where some static docs (markdown or html) are produced and then published alongside the repository
    • as previous (node/svelte) work there is
    • markdown would be fairly easy to produce in tuf-on-ci itself There is a generic issue about this in theupdateframework/tuf-on-ci#39 but it might be more useful to solve the sigstore use case and then see if it's general enough or no...
jku commented 2 months ago

I have a rough POC with markdown in I think I'd prefer HTML but this was so quick to write that I did it. It currently produces the following content for this repository (apologies to signers for unnecessary pings):


Role required # of signatures Signers
root 2 @jku, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678
timestamp 1 online key
snapshot 1 online key
targets 1 @jku, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678 1 @jku

possible downsides:

jku commented 1 month ago

this will likely require enabling markdown on GitHub Pages (I think adding a _config.yml file to git is enough)

I was not able to do this. Maybe it's possible but I can't figure it out

joshuagl commented 1 month ago

I think GH pages requires pushing to git, but it doesn't need to be your main branch or even a branch with similar contents to main. IIRC default configuration is to have a gh-pages branch, or similar, where the contents for the pages are stored.

jku commented 1 month ago

I think GH pages requires pushing to git, but it doesn't need to be your main branch or even a branch with similar contents to main. IIRC default configuration is to have a gh-pages branch, or similar, where the contents for the pages are stored.

tuf-on-ci uses "Github Actions" as source instead of "Deploy from branch" (and I won't change that, the branch method is just insane). Your comment did make me try a fresh project from scratch and the proposed template does this before uploading to pages:

        uses: actions/jekyll-build-pages@v1
          source: ./
          destination: ./_site

that looks promising. Would be nice to get this as documentation instead of having to create new projects to find out but this works...

jku commented 1 month ago

That actually pretty much worked:

jku commented 1 month ago

The downside of "rendering" on the server is that the description cannot say things like "signing event starts in 2 days" (and guarantee that it stays updated) - a javascript solution could.

See for current example

jku commented 1 month ago

Initial version is in tuf-on-ci now, we should get it in the next release

jku commented 1 month ago

First version of this is now live:

Two issues remain for the actual sigstage repository:

  1. CSS styling is not applied
  2. the json links are incorrect

both have the same underlying reason: jekyll writes links as absolute so changing the "root" location from /root-signing-staging/ in staging-preprod to / in staging breaks the links. A workaround for the json links has been merged in tuf-on-ci.

I'll modify the README to link to the description and will close this issue.