sigstore / root-signing

TUF repository for Sigstore trust root
Apache License 2.0
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Formating on index page is off #1360

Open kommendorkapten opened 1 week ago

kommendorkapten commented 1 week ago


Looking at: vs

There is a visual difference. Inspecting the page shows an error, 404 when getting style.css


Deployed as of 2024-09-04

jku commented 1 week ago

yeah, this happens in staging too. If you have ideas for reliably making the styling work, please add that into a tuf-on-ci issue

jku commented 1 week ago

oh forgot to mention the actual issue here:

I don't see a lot of clean and easy ways to make the URL work when the repo is moved to e.g GCS ...

jku commented 1 week ago

... hack the html when publishing but I fee like these will end up being real hacks

specifically I suppose we could add a step in upload-repository action that runs after actions/jekyll-build-pages has executed, and modifies the html swapping the absolute path with a relative one.

EDIT: I had a quick look and it's as ugly as I expected:

It's annoying to figure out the relative path from metadata dir to the assets dir: it could be "assets/" but it could be "../assets/" just as well. Not impossible but exactly the sort of thing I dislike putting in a workflow bash script...

    # jekyll really likes absolute links, which breaks the styles if the repository is moved
    # jekyll-build-pages also creates the files as root...
    # TODO define RELPATH based on inputs.metadata_path depth (./ or .../ or ../../ etc)
    sudo sed -i "s#href=\"/.*/assets/css/style.css#href=\"$RELPATH/assets/css/style.css#" build-jekyll/${{inputs.metadata_path}}/index.html
jku commented 1 week ago

I'm moving this to