sigstore / sig-clients

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String representation of Sigstore identities #7

Open znewman01 opened 1 year ago

znewman01 commented 1 year ago

There are a number of places where users must ask "does this signature come from X?" where X is an "identity." This is actually non-trivial to get right: you can't just ask for because what if I made my username for some random OIDC provider that Fulcio happens to trust (like See

So we've settled on a UX in Cosign that's kind of a pain: you have to have a magic combination of flags (--certificate-oidc-issuer, --certificate-identity) and this gets even worse when you start considering e.g. workload identities via GitHub Actions ( There's a number of issues related to this UX:

A number of folks have remarked something like "wouldn't it be nice if I could just pass in a string to represent the identity and Cosign figured the rest out?" While each project (policy-controller, Cosign, sigstore-python, any other CLI or otherwise user-facing implementations) could figure this out on their own, it seems useful to have a consistent notion of identity across the Sigstore ecosystem, and sig-clients seems like a good place to coordinate.

(Note that this issue is mostly about some kind of user-facing string, not a string for embedding into the Fulcio certificate in place of the multiple extensions that get used.)

Some general considerations:

Some options that have been discussed:

Distinguished Names in X.500

RFC 1779 provides a notion of a string representation of distinguished names. This uses ASCII strings (though it is capable of representing arbitrary ASN.1 BER-encoded data via an "escaped" notation): Foo=lol, Bar=baz.



Invent something ourselves



Logic programming / expression language

Squinting, you might realize that the "identities" we're talking about aren't so much fixed identities as a predicate over the certificate. That is, sometimes I want to match all of some number of X.509 extensions; sometimes I just want a few. Maybe I want to express things like "signed by Alice or Bob."

There are existing languages for expressing predicates. These include full-blown programming languages (a terrible idea in this case!) and more-restricted languages, like logic programming languages (Rego, CUE) and expression/filtering languages (jq, CEL). Cosign already supports Rego and CUE for matching predicates over attestations. Could we have users provide expressions for identity matching?



Do nothing

It’s somewhat tough to express these in CLI flags, but maybe we just have the wrong flags? You could still do CLI flags to express common patterns. Maybe you need something like mutually exclusive groups with more specific requirements. Or, people are getting by with the current flags (though they are frequently complaining, as the issues mentioned above illustrate).



kommendorkapten commented 1 year ago

My gut feeling would be that Logic programming / expression language and Do nothing are viable options.

The Do nothing option could be made easier for a CLI program as mentioned in other tickets by utilizing different subcommands.

The provided options could then be encoded into verification options For this to work we would need to formally define any formats around AND-ed or OR-ed. With the subcommands we may be able to make this simpler to use?

I would think about require Do nothing for all clients, and enforce them via the conformance tests. Then make Logic / expression optional, and consider them for sigstore-go so cosign and policy-controller can utilize them. Of course they would share the engine (it's implemented in sigstore-go) and so any syntax or file format where the policy can be expressed.

If we get a shared implementation in the future (via FFI) we can of course bring more complex verifications to all clients that are using that (it may not be viable for all clients as discussed before).