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Panic on out of bound array read while decoding date #228

Closed stephane-moreau closed 2 years ago

stephane-moreau commented 2 years ago

While reading data from a standard edition of an oracle 12c I had a panic on the following code

func DecodeDate(data []byte) (time.Time, error) {
    if len(data) < 7 {
        return time.Now(), errors.New("abnormal data representation for date")
    year := (int(data[0]) - 100) * 100
    year += int(data[1]) - 100
    nanoSec := 0
    if len(data) > 7 {
        nanoSec = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[7:11]))
    tzHour := 0
    tzMin := 0
    if len(data) > 11 {
        tzHour = int(data[11]) - 20
        tzMin = int(data[12]) - 60     // #### panic here data was only 12 bytes long
    if tzHour == 0 && tzMin == 0 {
        return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
            int(data[4]-1)+tzHour, int(data[5]-1)+tzMin, int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, time.UTC), nil
    loc, err := time.Parse("-0700", fmt.Sprintf("%+03d%02d", tzHour, tzMin))
    if err != nil {
        return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
            int(data[4]-1)+tzHour, int(data[5]-1)+tzMin, int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, time.UTC), nil
    } else {
        return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
            int(data[4]-1)+tzHour, int(data[5]-1)+tzMin, int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, loc.Location()), nil
    //return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
    //  int(data[4]-1)+tzHour, int(data[5]-1)+tzMin, int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, time.UTC), nil

while reading minutes offset of the timezone data for a timetsamp with timezone

I workarounded the panic locally by changing the test at the bvery beginning of the function call with the following

    if len(data) != 7 && len(data) != 11 && len(data) != 13 {
        return time.Now(), errors.New("abnormal data representation for date")

While debuging the statement that was generating the panic I notieced the data length could contain inconsistent datalength and data

Is this assumption that the size of the data should be 7 or 11 or 14 is correct or could it be any value and then we should test for length > 12 instead of 11

as a FYI : could not reproduce the data corruption on a simple use case while reading dates only on a dedicated database that cannot be shared

novikovas commented 2 years ago

Hello. I suggest changing the DecodeDate function to the following.

var zoneid = map[int]string{
    46: "Africa/Asmera",
    58: "Africa/Bamako",
    37: "Africa/Bangui",
    49: "Africa/Banjul",
    52: "Africa/Bissau",
    57: "Africa/Blantyre",
    35: "Africa/Bujumbura",
    44: "Africa/Cairo",
    61: "Africa/Casablanca",
    51: "Africa/Conakry",
    69: "Africa/Dakar",
    75: "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam",
    43: "Africa/Djibouti",
    36: "Africa/Douala",
    70: "Africa/Freetown",
    33: "Africa/Gaborone",
    80: "Africa/Harare",
    72: "Africa/Johannesburg",
    78: "Africa/Kampala",
    73: "Africa/Khartoum",
    67: "Africa/Kigali",
    39: "Africa/Kinshasa",
    66: "Africa/Lagos",
    48: "Africa/Libreville",
    76: "Africa/Lome",
    31: "Africa/Luanda",
    40: "Africa/Lubumbashi",
    79: "Africa/Lusaka",
    45: "Africa/Malabo",
    63: "Africa/Maputo",
    54: "Africa/Maseru",
    74: "Africa/Mbabane",
    71: "Africa/Mogadishu",
    55: "Africa/Monrovia",
    53: "Africa/Nairobi",
    38: "Africa/Ndjamena",
    65: "Africa/Niamey",
    60: "Africa/Nouakchott",
    34: "Africa/Ouagadougou",
    32: "Africa/Porto-Novo",
    68: "Africa/Sao_Tome",
    59: "Africa/Timbuktu",
    56: "Africa/Tripoli",
    77: "Africa/Tunis",
    64: "Africa/Windhoek",
    108: "America/Adak",
    106: "America/Anchorage",
    146: "America/Anguilla",
    147: "America/Antigua",
    181: "America/Aruba",
    200: "America/Asuncion",
    149: "America/Barbados",
    150: "America/Belize",
    195: "America/Bogota",
    175: "America/Buenos_Aires",
    205: "America/Caracas",
    198: "America/Cayenne",
    151: "America/Cayman",
    101: "America/Chicago",
    152: "America/Costa_Rica",
    189: "America/Cuiaba",
    196: "America/Curacao",
    131: "America/Dawson_Creek",
    102: "America/Denver",
    154: "America/Dominica",
    129: "America/Edmonton",
    156: "America/El_Salvador",
    185: "America/Fortaleza",
    207: "America/Godthab",
    172: "America/Grand_Turk",
    157: "America/Grenada",
    158: "America/Guadeloupe",
    159: "America/Guatemala",
    197: "America/Guayaquil",
    199: "America/Guyana",
    120: "America/Halifax",
    153: "America/Havana",
    111: "America/Indianapolis",
    162: "America/Jamaica",
    182: "America/La_Paz",
    201: "America/Lima",
    103: "America/Los_Angeles",
    165: "America/Managua",
    192: "America/Manaus",
    163: "America/Martinique",
    144: "America/Mazatlan",
    141: "America/Mexico_City",
    170: "America/Miquelon",
    204: "America/Montevideo",
    122: "America/Montreal",
    164: "America/Montserrat",
    148: "America/Nassau",
    100: "America/New_York",
    183: "America/Noronha",
    166: "America/Panama",
    202: "America/Paramaribo",
    109: "America/Phoenix",
    160: "America/Port-au-Prince",
    203: "America/Port_of_Spain",
    193: "America/Porto_Acre",
    167: "America/Puerto_Rico",
    127: "America/Regina",
    194: "America/Santiago",
    155: "America/Santo_Domingo",
    188: "America/Sao_Paulo",
    206: "America/Scoresbysund",
    118: "America/St_Johns",
    168: "America/St_Kitts",
    169: "America/St_Lucia",
    174: "America/St_Thomas",
    171: "America/St_Vincent",
    161: "America/Tegucigalpa",
    208: "America/Thule",
    145: "America/Tijuana",
    173: "America/Tortola",
    130: "America/Vancouver",
    126: "America/Winnipeg",
    2151: "PST",
    1636: "EST",
    1637: "CST",
    230: "Antarctica/Casey",
    233: "Antarctica/DumontDUrville",
    232: "Antarctica/Mawson",
    236: "Antarctica/McMurdo",
    235: "Antarctica/Palmer",
    302: "Asia/Aden",
    268: "Asia/Amman",
    312: "Asia/Anadyr",
    271: "Asia/Aqtau",
    270: "Asia/Aqtobe",
    297: "Asia/Ashkhabad",
    265: "Asia/Baghdad",
    243: "Asia/Bahrain",
    242: "Asia/Baku",
    296: "Asia/Bangkok",
    277: "Asia/Beirut",
    272: "Asia/Bishkek",
    246: "Asia/Brunei",
    260: "Asia/Calcutta",
    293: "Asia/Colombo",
    244: "Asia/Dacca",
    294: "Asia/Damascus",
    298: "Asia/Dubai",
    295: "Asia/Dushanbe",
    254: "Asia/Hong_Kong",
    307: "Asia/Irkutsk",
    261: "Asia/Jakarta",
    263: "Asia/Jayapura",
    266: "Asia/Jerusalem",
    240: "Asia/Kabul",
    311: "Asia/Kamchatka",
    284: "Asia/Karachi",
    282: "Asia/Katmandu",
    306: "Asia/Krasnoyarsk",
    278: "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
    275: "Asia/Kuwait",
    256: "Asia/Macao",
    310: "Asia/Magadan",
    286: "Asia/Manila",
    283: "Asia/Muscat",
    257: "Asia/Nicosia",
    305: "Asia/Novosibirsk",
    248: "Asia/Phnom_Penh",
    274: "Asia/Pyongyang",
    287: "Asia/Qatar",
    247: "Asia/Rangoon",
    288: "Asia/Riyadh",
    301: "Asia/Saigon",
    273: "Asia/Seoul",
    250: "Asia/Shanghai",
    292: "Asia/Singapore",
    255: "Asia/Taipei",
    300: "Asia/Tashkent",
    258: "Asia/Tbilisi",
    264: "Asia/Tehran",
    245: "Asia/Thimbu",
    267: "Asia/Tokyo",
    262: "Asia/Ujung_Pandang",
    793: "Asia/Ulan_Bator",
    276: "Asia/Vientiane",
    309: "Asia/Vladivostok",
    308: "Asia/Yakutsk",
    303: "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
    241: "Asia/Yerevan",
    336: "Atlantic/Azores",
    330: "Atlantic/Bermuda",
    338: "Atlantic/Canary",
    339: "Atlantic/Cape_Verde",
    333: "Atlantic/Faeroe",
    335: "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen",
    334: "Atlantic/Reykjavik",
    332: "Atlantic/South_Georgia",
    340: "Atlantic/St_Helena",
    331: "Atlantic/Stanley",
    349: "Australia/Adelaide",
    347: "Australia/Brisbane",
    345: "Australia/Darwin",
    346: "Australia/Perth",
    352: "Australia/Sydney",
    864: "Australia/ACT",
    368: "EET",
    513: "GMT",
    540: "UTC",
    367: "MET",
    2662: "MST",
    1474: "HST",
    396: "Europe/Amsterdam",
    373: "Europe/Andorra",
    385: "Europe/Athens",
    412: "Europe/Belgrade",
    383: "Europe/Berlin",
    376: "Europe/Brussels",
    400: "Europe/Bucharest",
    386: "Europe/Budapest",
    393: "Europe/Chisinau",
    379: "Europe/Copenhagen",
    371: "Europe/Dublin",
    384: "Europe/Gibraltar",
    381: "Europe/Helsinki",
    407: "Europe/Istanbul",
    401: "Europe/Kaliningrad",
    408: "Europe/Kiev",
    399: "Europe/Lisbon",
    369: "Europe/London",
    391: "Europe/Luxembourg",
    404: "Europe/Madrid",
    392: "Europe/Malta",
    375: "Europe/Minsk",
    395: "Europe/Monaco",
    402: "Europe/Moscow",
    397: "Europe/Oslo",
    382: "Europe/Paris",
    378: "Europe/Prague",
    388: "Europe/Riga",
    387: "Europe/Rome",
    403: "Europe/Samara",
    411: "Europe/Simferopol",
    377: "Europe/Sofia",
    405: "Europe/Stockholm",
    380: "Europe/Tallinn",
    372: "Europe/Tirane",
    389: "Europe/Vaduz",
    374: "Europe/Vienna",
    390: "Europe/Vilnius",
    398: "Europe/Warsaw",
    406: "Europe/Zurich",
    438: "Indian/Antananarivo",
    436: "Indian/Chagos",
    439: "Indian/Christmas",
    440: "Indian/Cocos",
    441: "Indian/Comoro",
    435: "Indian/Kerguelen",
    442: "Indian/Mahe",
    437: "Indian/Maldives",
    443: "Indian/Mauritius",
    444: "Indian/Mayotte",
    445: "Indian/Reunion",
    479: "Pacific/Apia",
    471: "Pacific/Auckland",
    472: "Pacific/Chatham",
    451: "Pacific/Easter",
    488: "Pacific/Efate",
    460: "Pacific/Enderbury",
    482: "Pacific/Fakaofo",
    454: "Pacific/Fiji",
    484: "Pacific/Funafuti",
    452: "Pacific/Galapagos",
    455: "Pacific/Gambier",
    481: "Pacific/Guadalcanal",
    458: "Pacific/Guam",
    450: "Pacific/Honolulu",
    461: "Pacific/Kiritimati",
    468: "Pacific/Kosrae",
    463: "Pacific/Majuro",
    456: "Pacific/Marquesas",
    469: "Pacific/Nauru",
    473: "Pacific/Niue",
    474: "Pacific/Norfolk",
    470: "Pacific/Noumea",
    478: "Pacific/Pago_Pago",
    475: "Pacific/Palau",
    477: "Pacific/Pitcairn",
    467: "Pacific/Ponape",
    476: "Pacific/Port_Moresby",
    453: "Pacific/Rarotonga",
    462: "Pacific/Saipan",
    457: "Pacific/Tahiti",
    459: "Pacific/Tarawa",
    483: "Pacific/Tongatapu",
    466: "Pacific/Truk",
    487: "Pacific/Wake",
    489: "Pacific/Wallis",
    41: "Africa/Brazzaville",
    556: "Egypt",
    81: "Africa/Ceuta",
    62: "Africa/El_Aaiun",
    568: "Libya",
    620: "America/Atka",
    1132: "US/Aleutian",
    618: "US/Alaska",
    186: "America/Araguaina",
    184: "America/Belem",
    191: "America/Boa_Vista",
    110: "America/Boise",
    135: "America/Cambridge_Bay",
    140: "America/Cancun",
    179: "America/Catamarca",
    1125: "CST6CDT",
    613: "US/Central",
    142: "America/Chihuahua",
    177: "America/Cordoba",
    139: "America/Dawson",
    1638: "America/Shiprock",
    2150: "MST7MDT",
    614: "Navajo",
    1126: "US/Mountain",
    116: "America/Detroit",
    628: "US/Michigan",
    641: "Canada/Mountain",
    121: "America/Glace_Bay",
    119: "America/Goose_Bay",
    632: "Canada/Atlantic",
    665: "Cuba",
    143: "America/Hermosillo",
    113: "America/Indiana/Knox",
    625: "America/Knox_IN",
    1137: "US/Indiana-Starke",
    112: "America/Indiana/Marengo",
    114: "America/Indiana/Vevay",
    623: "America/Fort_Wayne",
    1647: "America/Indiana/Indianapolis",
    1135: "US/East-Indiana",
    137: "America/Inuvik",
    133: "America/Iqaluit",
    674: "Jamaica",
    178: "America/Jujuy",
    104: "America/Juneau",
    1127: "PST8PDT",
    615: "US/Pacific",
    1639: "US/Pacific-New",
    115: "America/Louisville",
    187: "America/Maceio",
    704: "Brazil/West",
    656: "Mexico/BajaSur",
    180: "America/Mendoza",
    117: "America/Menominee",
    653: "Mexico/General",
    634: "Canada/Eastern",
    1124: "EST5EDT",
    612: "US/Eastern",
    124: "America/Nipigon",
    107: "America/Nome",
    695: "Brazil/DeNoronha",
    132: "America/Pangnirtung",
    621: "US/Arizona",
    705: "Brazil/Acre",
    190: "America/Porto_Velho",
    125: "America/Rainy_River",
    134: "America/Rankin_Inlet",
    639: "Canada/East-Saskatchewan",
    1151: "Canada/Saskatchewan",
    176: "America/Rosario",
    706: "Chile/Continental",
    700: "Brazil/East",
    630: "Canada/Newfoundland",
    686: "America/Virgin",
    128: "America/Swift_Current",
    123: "America/Thunder_Bay",
    657: "America/Ensenada",
    1169: "Mexico/BajaNorte",
    642: "Canada/Pacific",
    138: "America/Whitehorse",
    650: "Canada/Yukon",
    638: "Canada/Central",
    105: "America/Yakutat",
    136: "America/Yellowknife",
    231: "Antarctica/Davis",
    748: "Antarctica/South_Pole",
    234: "Antarctica/Syowa",
    269: "Asia/Almaty",
    251: "Asia/Chungking",
    259: "Asia/Dili",
    285: "Asia/Gaza",
    249: "Asia/Harbin",
    766: "Hongkong",
    280: "Asia/Hovd",
    1431: "Asia/Istanbul",
    778: "Asia/Tel_Aviv",
    1290: "Israel",
    253: "Asia/Kashgar",
    279: "Asia/Kuching",
    304: "Asia/Omsk",
    289: "Asia/Riyadh87",
    801: "Mideast/Riyadh87",
    290: "Asia/Riyadh88",
    802: "Mideast/Riyadh88",
    291: "Asia/Riyadh89",
    803: "Mideast/Riyadh89",
    299: "Asia/Samarkand",
    785: "ROK",
    762: "PRC",
    804: "Singapore",
    767: "ROC",
    776: "Iran",
    779: "Japan",
    281: "Asia/Ulaanbaatar",
    252: "Asia/Urumqi",
    337: "Atlantic/Madeira",
    846: "Iceland",
    861: "Australia/South",
    859: "Australia/Queensland",
    353: "Australia/Broken_Hill",
    865: "Australia/Yancowinna",
    857: "Australia/North",
    350: "Australia/Hobart",
    862: "Australia/Tasmania",
    348: "Australia/Lindeman",
    354: "Australia/Lord_Howe",
    866: "Australia/LHI",
    351: "Australia/Melbourne",
    863: "Australia/Victoria",
    858: "Australia/West",
    1376: "Australia/Canberra",
    1888: "Australia/NSW",
    366: "CET",
    1: "Etc/GMT",
    1025: "Etc/GMT+0",
    2049: "Etc/GMT-0",
    3073: "Etc/GMT0",
    4097: "Etc/Greenwich",
    1537: "GMT+0",
    2561: "GMT-0",
    3585: "GMT0",
    4609: "Greenwich",
    16: "Etc/GMT+1",
    25: "Etc/GMT+10",
    26: "Etc/GMT+11",
    27: "Etc/GMT+12",
    17: "Etc/GMT+2",
    18: "Etc/GMT+3",
    19: "Etc/GMT+4",
    20: "Etc/GMT+5",
    21: "Etc/GMT+6",
    22: "Etc/GMT+7",
    23: "Etc/GMT+8",
    24: "Etc/GMT+9",
    15: "Etc/GMT-1",
    6: "Etc/GMT-10",
    5: "Etc/GMT-11",
    4: "Etc/GMT-12",
    3: "Etc/GMT-13",
    2: "Etc/GMT-14",
    14: "Etc/GMT-2",
    13: "Etc/GMT-3",
    12: "Etc/GMT-4",
    11: "Etc/GMT-5",
    10: "Etc/GMT-6",
    9: "Etc/GMT-7",
    8: "Etc/GMT-8",
    7: "Etc/GMT-9",
    29: "Etc/UCT",
    541: "UCT",
    28: "Etc/UTC",
    1052: "Etc/Universal",
    2076: "Etc/Zulu",
    1564: "Universal",
    2588: "Zulu",
    370: "Europe/Belfast",
    924: "Europe/Ljubljana",
    1436: "Europe/Sarajevo",
    1948: "Europe/Skopje",
    2460: "Europe/Zagreb",
    883: "Eire",
    919: "Turkey",
    911: "Portugal",
    881: "GB",
    1393: "GB-Eire",
    914: "W-SU",
    890: "Europe/Bratislava",
    1411: "Europe/San_Marino",
    899: "Europe/Vatican",
    394: "Europe/Tiraspol",
    409: "Europe/Uzhgorod",
    910: "Poland",
    410: "Europe/Zaporozhye",
    983: "NZ",
    984: "NZ-CHAT",
    963: "Chile/EasterIsland",
    962: "US/Hawaii",
    485: "Pacific/Johnston",
    464: "Pacific/Kwajalein",
    976: "Kwajalein",
    486: "Pacific/Midway",
    1502: "Pacific/Samoa",
    990: "US/Samoa",
    465: "Pacific/Yap",
    365: "WET",
// DecodeDate convert oracle time representation into time.Time
func DecodeDate(data []byte) (time.Time, error) {
    if len(data) < 7 {
        return time.Now(), errors.New("abnormal data representation for date")
    year := (int(data[0]) - 100) * 100
    year += int(data[1]) - 100
    nanoSec := 0
    tzHour := 0
    tzMin := 0
    switch len(data) {
    case 7,8: // ORACLE  DATE
        return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
            int(data[4]-1), int(data[5]-1), int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, time.Local), nil
    case 11,12: // ORACLE TIMESTAMP
        nanoSec = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[7:11]))
        return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
            int(data[4]-1), int(data[5]-1), int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, time.Local), nil
    case 13: // ORACLE TIMESTAMPTZ
        var zone *time.Location
        var err error
        if (data[11] & 0b1000_0000) == 0 {
            tzHour = int(data[11] & 0b11_1111) - 20
            tzMin = int(data[12]) - 60
            nanoSec = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[7:11]))
            zone = time.FixedZone(fmt.Sprintf("%+03d:%02d", tzHour, tzMin), tzHour*60*60+tzMin*60)
        } else {
            var regionCode int = ((int(data[11]) & 0b111_1111) << 6)
            regionCode += ((int(data[12]) & 0b1111_1100) >> 2)
            name := zoneid[regionCode]
            zone, err = time.LoadLocation(name)
            if err != nil {
                return time.Now(), errors.New("Error decode timezone:"+err.Error())
        return time.Date(year, time.Month(data[2]), int(data[3]),
            int(data[4]-1), int(data[5]-1), int(data[6]-1), nanoSec, zone), nil
        return time.Now(), errors.New("abnormal data representation for date")

I checked the functionality in Oracle 10.1 and 21.1

create table test_xx(
                        d date,
                        ts timestamp,
                        tstz timestamp with time zone

insert into test_xx values (sysdate,systimestamp,systimestamp);
select d,ts,tstz,sysdate,systimestamp AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Kiev' as x from test_xx;
stephane-moreau commented 2 years ago

Ok - i'll integrate the suggested change in my fork for a future pull request

sijms commented 2 years ago

thank you for your work I am busy analyzing connection to oracle 9 I will test your code and update the driver

sijms commented 2 years ago

I run your example with the original code with no error

create table test_xx(
                        d date,
                        ts timestamp,
                        tstz timestamp with time zone

insert into test_xx values (sysdate,systimestamp,systimestamp);
select d,ts,tstz,sysdate,systimestamp AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Kiev' as x from test_xx;

I understand from your investigation that you receive buffer with length 12 bytes so you get panic at

tzMin = int(data[12]) - 60

I can Make the following changes

if len(data) > 11 {
    tzHour = int(data[11]) - 20

if len(data) > 12 {
    tzMin = int(data[12]) - 60

and this will fix the issue but I need to know about this

if (data[11] & 0b1000_0000) == 0

and zoneid how can I make the server send zone id instead of tzHour and tzMinute

sijms commented 2 years ago

ok I test the code and it work correctly so I update the package with your code

thank you again for your contribution