siku2 / script.service.sponsorblock

Kodi add-on for SponsorBlock
MIT License
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Playback fails with sponsor section at video start #10

Closed kuehnelth closed 3 years ago

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago

When I play a video with a sponsor section at 00:00 I see the popup that the section was blocked. But playback just stops instead of skipping the section. Trying to play the video again plays the video fine but none of the sponsor sections are blocked.

siku2 commented 3 years ago

Would you mind sharing the video in question? Also, you wouldn't happen to be able to share the logs for this too, would you?

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago is a video that shows this bug for me. The log shows the following exceptions from the script:

2020-09-14 16:05:07.735 T:139691046467328   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
                                            Error Contents: checkpoint listener running and not being stopped
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/", line 115, in onPlayBackStarted
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/utils/", line 176, in start
                                                raise RuntimeError("checkpoint listener running and not being stopped")
                                            RuntimeError: checkpoint listener running and not being stopped
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
2020-09-14 16:06:11.881 T:139790951364352   ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any media file
2020-09-14 16:06:11.882 T:139790951364352   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
                                            Error Contents: XBMC is not playing any media file
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/gui/", line 70, in onClick
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/", line 132, in unskip
                                            RuntimeError: XBMC is not playing any media file
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
2020-09-14 16:06:11.883 T:139790951364352   ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any media file
2020-09-14 16:06:11.883 T:139790951364352   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
                                            Error Contents: XBMC is not playing any media file
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/gui/", line 84, in onAction
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/gui/", line 70, in onClick
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.sponsorblock/resources/lib/", line 132, in unskip
                                            RuntimeError: XBMC is not playing any media file
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
siku2 commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot! It sure looks like a quirk on Kodi's end. I'll look into it, should be relatively easy to fix.

siku2 commented 3 years ago

Oh and just to clarify, the segment isn't just not being skipped, the playback stops entirely? The logs seem to indicate that the "unskip" button was pressed but in your description you said "Trying to play the video again [...]". Do you mean you're pressing "unskip" to play the video again or are you restarting it from scratch?

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago

Here is what I did with a bit more detail:

When I don't press unskip, only the first exception shows up.

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago


I updated to sponsorblock 0.2.1, it still doesn't work. There is no more exception in the log but the message [script.service.sponsorblock] player_listener: segment ends after end of video, skipping to next video I modified the message so it also shows self.getTotalTime(). The result is 0.0.

siku2 commented 3 years ago

Okay, looks like there are multiple issues at play here and I only solved one of them. Looks like this is (yet another) issue with Kodi itself but it should be relatively easy to work around it. Thanks for pointing this out!

siku2 commented 3 years ago

For the record, I never encountered this error during testing. What version of Kodi are you using?

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago

I'm using Libreelec 9.2.4, Kodi 18.8.0, Youtube Plugin 6.8.5. I also tried it on Windows with the same kodi version. Here is a full log

For some reason it behaves differently on windows and libreelec. On libreelec I see the error every time I try to play the video. On windows it only happens if I play it directly after some other youtube video. Skipping works if it's the first video I try to play after opening kodi or do nothing for a minute before hitting play.

bclindner commented 3 years ago

+1 on this issue (Kodi 18.8, Sponsorblock version 0.2.1, YouTube addon 6.8.5). Some other sample links that are still failing:

Gonna start looking into the issue myself, but no promises - my experience with Kodi addons is limited.

bclindner commented 3 years ago

So this is interesting - I time.sleep(1)'d just before the skip logic @kuehnelth mentioned here on a hunch and it started working (albeit skipping a second late, of course). There's no docs I could find on xbmc.Player needing time to initialize... Provided we have no way to await that, I'm thinking maybe nudging the start times of segments starting at zero forward a little bit could work, or maybe adding another qualifier to that if statement ignoring that logic and attempting the skip if the time is set to 0.0 (but that might cause issues on super short videos).

siku2 commented 3 years ago

@bclindner Yeah that's in line with what I expected. Kodi's player is absolutely dreadful. Errors like this are everywhere - you can't even trust Player.getTime() to be accurate:

My plan is to just check if getTotalTime() returns zero and if it does, we just ignore it and assume that the video is long enough. If you'd like to contribute, this is where the issue occurs:

bclindner commented 3 years ago

On it.

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking maybe nudging the start times of segments starting at zero forward a little bit could work

Yes that works. I added if start < 0.5: start = 0.5before this line

bclindner commented 3 years ago

Okay, interestingly enough that didn't do it, it just throws up the skip pop-up without seeking, maybe even seeking needs time to warm up... I'm gonna try @kuehnelth's solution

siku2 commented 3 years ago

Ah, should've seen that coming. Kodi's broken all the way down :frowning_face:

bclindner commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that works on my end as well. Not perfect but neither is this whole situation... @kuehnelth, the implementation's technically yours, you want to PR it or should I just submit what I have?

kuehnelth commented 3 years ago

Sure, just submit it if you want to.

siku2 commented 3 years ago

Just released version 0.2.2 with this patch. Let's hope that fixes the issue for good. Thanks a lot for helping out to both of you!