sile-typesetter / sile

The SILE Typesetter — Simon’s Improved Layout Engine
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Void Linux version is becoming very old #2035

Open alerque opened 1 month ago

alerque commented 1 month ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **xoich** November 13, 2022 > Hello, the manual says sile is available in Void, but the last available version there is 0.9.5. Maybe the manual needs to be updated? > >I think the issue with Void not updating is that since that version many new lua libraries have been added as dependencies, and they all need to be packaged for Void.

We need to either get a packager involved, get a PR accepted, or drop mentions of support because this has gone too far now to call it supported.

jodros commented 1 month ago

I guess that I've already said somewhere about my wish to maintain the void package since I'm a void user.

Well, I still want to do such support, just don't know where to begin because I never worked with package managing so far.

alerque commented 1 month ago

First thing to do is submit new package requests for some dependencies. I assume the Lua cldr and fluent modules need packaging, there might be others since 0.9.5.

I would find a few simple existing Lua packages and use them as a reference and start with lua-cldr.

Also if Void has LuaJIT we'll need all the Lua package dependencies to be packaged for it or lua51 or however Void handles this.

jodros commented 3 weeks ago

I assume the Lua cldr and fluent modules need packaging, there might be others since 0.9.5.

I just started to work on it right now and there are many more to be packaged, more than direct dependencies for SILE, most of them are dependencies of its dependencies...

I'm taking a look in your corresponding packages for arch for now, it seems that it's gonna take a while.

alerque commented 3 weeks ago

most of them are dependencies of its dependencies...

Such as? This is a little surprising to me since all but a handful of the Lua stuff was already packaged and the Lua deps we've added are not ones with deep transitive dependency trees.