sile-typesetter / sile

The SILE Typesetter — Simon’s Improved Layout Engine
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Normalize command vs. environment whitespace handling #2041

Closed alerque closed 4 weeks ago

alerque commented 1 month ago

Closes #105

alerque commented 4 weeks ago

Hey @Omikhleia do you have a second to sanity check me on this? Here is the TL;DR version of what's in this PR:

I set out to fix the lingering weirdness in SIL inputs where whitespace was being swallowed unexpectedly. It turned out to be a lot simpler to fix than I expected but it is a breaking change.

This was being processed as two paragraphs:



While this was being processed as one because all environment blocks were swallowing whitespace around them:



I just got rid of the whitespace gobbling greediness so now the input spaces matter. Environments don't need to be followed by an explicit \par if there is a blank line creating a paragraph break anyway.

Several of my book projects blew up with this change, but the new behaviour makes so much more sense to me I'm okay with fixing them. Surprisingly the only thing that broke in our test suite was the lists package.

So it turns out that package was always outputting paragraph breaks before and after the command no matter how it was called. This was 3 paragraphs:


This was also 3 paragraphs:




The latter looked sane being 3 paragraphs, but that was only because the input environment syntax was swallowing the natural looking ones and new ones were being pushed out. After the witespace handling change it became 4 paragraphs (the leading one wasn't being duplicated but two were being output following the list).

Because the way inter-list-item spacing was being handled by overloading document.parskip this was pretty involved to fix. In ended up scrapping all the vertical space handling and re-implementing it leaving the decision for the surroundings to be new paragraphs or not up to the input document and using the lists.parskip only between list items/lists.

The new behavior means parskip is used before and after lists only when the user actually puts the list in its own paragraph, otherwise it flows following the normal leading rules for line spacing. The continuation paragraph is even not indented, while a clean new paragraph afterwards is.

The new behavior is a lot more in line with what I would expect as a consumer, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the design.

Note also the retrograde package could be expanded to restore some of the old list characteristics, but given that the input language is one thing we can't easily shim and that directly effects how the spacing rules are applied I thought it best not to try to patch over the differences at all.

Omikhleia commented 4 weeks ago

The new behavior is a lot more in line with what I would expect as a consumer, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the design.

I don't use SIL input nowadays, but I'll try to see how these list changes affect (or not) other input languages. It would certainly be best if packages can do their logic (and inserting a "par" is not necessarily wrong!) regardless on how the inputter handles (or fails at handling) paragraphs.

alerque commented 4 weeks ago

If you are not combining it with SIL input all the relevant changes are in the list package init file. Copying just the packages/lists/init.lua file from this branch into another context should net you most of the relevant bits, but the base class tweak recently (#2043) actually does effect this, so you'll want to also grab classes/base.lua

Omikhleia commented 4 weeks ago

so you'll want to also grab classes/base.lua

Wow, thanks for notifying that change to the base class.

Most of my usual workflows don't use SIL, and don't use the regular "lists" package (I'm using resilient's lists with styling); but this base class change might affect things (maybe). I guess I can check it separately (on its own) independently in my usual workflows... Hmm... although these don't even use the regular base class either, but the "upgraded" version shimmed by silex.sile. In other terms, I am likely not affected in current "complete" workflows (i.e. only the "fair-play" workflows not using "resilient" would perhaps be affected), until I resync silex.sile that is.

Omikhleia commented 4 weeks ago

To recap my own potential actions:

On my current prioritization schedule, a possible ETA would be early August (in the best case scenario), is it too late?

alerque commented 4 weeks ago

I've got ants in my pants to get v0.15 out the door. I've had to publish 2 whole books and a couple smaller projects using develop based builds, and I have more in the works. It's way better if I can tag them as being built with some stable release tag. Also I can't release a stable version of CaSILE until that happens since it depends on some of the upstreamed fixes.

I have a small break between other projects and am trying to get things worked out so it can go out the door and I can move on. That includes other changes I need to work on in SILE (like the language code stuff) that is hard to touch without overhauling yet more stuff, and this release has grown too much already. The release notes are going no need a spiral binding already.

If you don't have the time I understand, I'm not trying to pressure you, just letting you know I'm under pressure myself and planning on shipping this sooner rather than later.

Omikhleia commented 4 weeks ago

... just letting you know I'm under pressure myself ...

Same here, actually. Besides "real life"™ stuff, I've been fairly busy on my next SILE-based book from early December to end of May. At last, I'm now just awaiting the proof copy to be received (likely mid-June) and checked, before announcing it in due form (well expecting there's no print issue or other last minute adjustments to be made...), and then I'll have to complete all the administrative tasks (press & contributor copies, legal deposit finalization, announcements to appropriate parties, etc.). On the way, it required a release of all my own stuff (and thus, I released silex.sile 0.5 on 29/02, ptable.sile 3.0 on 05/03, markdown.sile 2.0 on 16/03 and resilient.sile 2.3 on 18/03, all in a rush) and considerations on which version of SILE to use and whether to upgrade my tooling or not... It turns out the book is still made with my old "custom" build of SILE 0.14.11 + shims + PR 1792 (automated italic correction), which I deem unfortunate, and I'd have preferred using an official build too, but time was running really short.

But that's life. I'm happy, though, that I could still report a few issues here and also push a few small PRs :)

I am also committed to typesetting and distributing a bibliography which I'd ideally prefer composing with SILE (hence my recent reports and investigations on the topic)...

Anyway, I'll to see if I can advance my above ETA, but it's hard for me to commit on anything in June and July at this point.

I've had to publish 2 whole books and a couple smaller projects

Hey, that's cool news. I hope you'll consider adding a reference to them to the Wiki -- If you didn't see it yet, I also did some homework there ;)