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Editor and translator names in bibliography are passed as raw text #2052

Open Omikhleia opened 3 weeks ago

Omikhleia commented 3 weeks ago


  author = "Kill, Bill",
  editor    = "Doe, John and Smith, Jane",
  translator = "Pumpernickel, William",
  title     = "Another Book Entry",
  address   = "London",
  year      = 2022,

Expected Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition reference according to its CSL:

Kill, Bill. Another Book Entry. Edited by John Doe and Jane Smith. Translated by William Pumpernickel. London, 2022.


Kill, Another Book Entry. Edited by Doe, John and Smith, Jane, Translated by Pumpernickel, William. London: 2022.

There are a number of issues here (notably on the author), but the one I am reporting here is the following: editors and translators are the direct raw bibtex entry as text, not parsed as a name list (split for reordering depending on the citation/reference style).

Omikhleia commented 2 weeks ago

There's another catch (also on the author field): BibLaTeX v3.20 §2.3.3 provides a rule for "corporate names", nested in their own braces to avoid being parsed as personal names.

E.g. editor = {{National Aeronautics and Space Administration} and Doe, John}

Since it also affects authors, maybe it deserve its own issue.