sile / jsone

Erlang JSON library
MIT License
291 stars 71 forks source link

escaping issues. #77

Closed silviucpp closed 1 year ago

silviucpp commented 1 year ago


First I'm not sure this is a bug in the library. But I will appreciated help from somebody on this issues I'm facing. I have a proplists in Original and I'm expecting the encoding to produce Expected binary. But I have no clue what to do to generate this output.

When I encode the proplists the \ char from the unicode code are double encoded and everything gets broken.



t() ->
    Original = [
        {<<"s1">>, <<"\\u001b test 1 2 3">>}

    Expected = <<"{\"s1\":\"\\u001b test 1 2 3\"}">>,
    Encoded = encode(Original),

    io:format("original:~p~n", [Original]),
    io:format("encoded:~p~n", [Encoded]),
    io:format("decoded:~p~n", [decode(Encoded)]),
    io:format("expected:~p~n", [decode(Expected)]).

decode(V) ->
    jsone:decode(V, [{object_format, proplist}, {allow_ctrl_chars, true}]).

encode(V) ->
    jsone:encode(V, [{float_format, [{decimals, 4}, compact]}]).


original:[{<<"s1">>,<<"\\u001b test 1 2 3">>}]
encoded:<<"{\"s1\":\"\\\\u001b test 1 2 3\"}">>
decoded:[{<<"s1">>,<<"\\u001b test 1 2 3">>}]
expected:[{<<"s1">>,<<"\e test 1 2 3">>}]

Kind regards, Silviu

silviucpp commented 1 year ago

As a note php jsone_encode it's working fine:

$return = json_encode(
    ["s1" => "\\u001b test 1 2 3"], 
echo $return;
    "s1": "\\u001b test 1 2 3"
silviucpp commented 1 year ago

Also JS encoder works fine:

const obj = {s1: "\\u001b test 1 2 3"};
{"s1":"\\u001b test 1 2 3"}
sile commented 1 year ago


It's expected behavior as the character \ in JSON strings should be escaped as described in the JSON specification. You're giving Original containing an already escaped UTF-8 string, but it's needed to pass as a non-escaped one instead (to prevent double escaping) as follows:

> Original = [{<<"s1">>, <<"\e test 1 2 3">>}].
> jsone:encode(Original).
<<"{\"s1\":\"\\u001b test 1 2 3\"}">>

> jsone:decode(jsone:encode(Original)).
#{<<"s1">> => <<"\e test 1 2 3">>}

BTW, I tried running the JS version on a Node.js shell. The result seemed to match the jsone's result.

$ node --version

$ node
> const obj = {s1: "\\u001b test 1 2 3"};
> JSON.stringify(obj);
'{"s1":"\\\\u001b test 1 2 3"}'
silviucpp commented 1 year ago

Thanks for clarifications !
