silenceper / wechat

WeChat SDK for Go (微信SDK:简单、易用)
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feat: remove the cache implementation related to redis v2.6.0 #714

Open houseme opened 1 year ago

houseme commented 1 year ago

先发布 rc 版本,正式版之前,完全移除 redis 的依赖,只留下 memcache 的当做示例及默认实现。 @silenceper


如下为 redis V9的示例代码:

package cache

import (


// Redis .redis cache
type Redis struct {
    ctx  context.Context
    conn redis.UniversalClient

// RedisOpts redis 连接属性
type RedisOpts struct {
    Host        string `yml:"host" json:"host"`
    Password    string `yml:"password" json:"password"`
    Database    int    `yml:"database" json:"database"`
    MaxIdle     int    `yml:"max_idle" json:"max_idle"`
    MaxActive   int    `yml:"max_active" json:"max_active"`
    IdleTimeout int    `yml:"idle_timeout" json:"idle_timeout"` // second

// NewRedis 实例化
func NewRedis(ctx context.Context, opts *RedisOpts) *Redis {
    conn := redis.NewUniversalClient(&redis.UniversalOptions{
        Addrs:           []string{opts.Host},
        DB:              opts.Database,
        Password:        opts.Password,
        ConnMaxIdleTime: time.Second * time.Duration(opts.IdleTimeout),
        MinIdleConns:    opts.MaxIdle,
    return &Redis{ctx: ctx, conn: conn}

// SetConn 设置 conn
func (r *Redis) SetConn(conn redis.UniversalClient) {
    r.conn = conn

// SetRedisCtx 设置 redis ctx 参数
func (r *Redis) SetRedisCtx(ctx context.Context) {
    r.ctx = ctx

// Get 获取一个值
func (r *Redis) Get(key string) interface{} {
    return r.GetContext(r.ctx, key)

// GetContext 获取一个值
func (r *Redis) GetContext(ctx context.Context, key string) interface{} {
    result := r.conn.Get(ctx, key)
    if result.Err() != nil {
        return ""
    return result.Val()

// Set 设置一个值
func (r *Redis) Set(key string, val interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error {
    return r.SetContext(r.ctx, key, val, timeout)

// SetContext 设置一个值
func (r *Redis) SetContext(ctx context.Context, key string, val interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error {
    return r.conn.SetEx(ctx, key, val, timeout).Err()

// IsExist 判断 key 是否存在
func (r *Redis) IsExist(key string) bool {
    return r.IsExistContext(r.ctx, key)

// IsExistContext 判断 key 是否存在
func (r *Redis) IsExistContext(ctx context.Context, key string) bool {
    result, _ := r.conn.Exists(ctx, key).Result()

    return result > 0

// Delete 删除
func (r *Redis) Delete(key string) error {
    return r.DeleteContext(r.ctx, key)

// DeleteContext 删除
func (r *Redis) DeleteContext(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
    return r.conn.Del(ctx, key).Err()