silicontrip / SkyReader

A Skylander portal reader/editor/writer for OSX.
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Trying to figured out the LED RGB bits #23

Closed parkerlreed closed 4 years ago

parkerlreed commented 6 years ago

So I've had a portal laying around doing nothing for forever now and decided to mess with it. No Skylanders to scan but hey there's an RGB LED!

After digging around I noticed this project and both use the portalio.cpp code for setting color. I noticed it was sending the C command and the three subsequent RGB values to the device via the hidapi. Not being very (or at all) skilled in C++, I set out to implement the color code externally.

I'm still working on getting something going with Python + PyUSB but still a ways off.

I did however do a little usbmon sniffing in wireshark to see what exactly Sky{Reader,Dumper} was doing to set the color. I noticed it sends the R (reset) and A (activate) commands before sending the C + 3 byte RGB. Where I'm at now is that AFTER I have used the portalio code once to set the color, I can then do it manually via usbtool.

sudo usbtool -v 0x1430 -p 0x0150 -d 0x43,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF control out 0x1 0x01 9 0x0200 0

The control variables were ascertained out of the wireshark dump I ran. I have been unlucky in trying to send the R and A beforehand, so my current method of starting control is running the dumper tool once just so it initializes it.

I guess my question after all of this is: Any tips on trying to send the R and A myself? Ultimately my goal is to implement all this in the aforementioned Pyhton + PyUSB. (I've tried the R and A both in PyUSB and usbtool but have come up short for solutions)

silicontrip commented 4 years ago

sorry for the very late reply, are you able to wireshark sniff you python code and see what python is sending differently from the working command?

parkerlreed commented 4 years ago

Oh jeeze. I don't even know if I have that portal anymore. I guess I'll just close it. If I find it again I may come back to it.
