silkimen / cordova-plugin-advanced-http

Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers. Allows for SSL pinning!
MIT License
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[Bug] [android] cordova-plugin-file dependency installs version incompatible with cordova-android on Meteor #515

Open veodko opened 10 months ago

veodko commented 10 months ago

cordova-plugin-file recently released an update which bumped the cordova-android version requirement to v12. People who are using Meteor framework are still stuck with cordova-android v10, which results in an error when trying to build for Android as the plugin is skipped and then cordova-plugin-advanced-http tries to import it in the code.

I first reported it to Meteor here: thinking it's installed by Meteor, but eventually found out it's a dependency of this plugin here.

<dependency id="cordova-plugin-file" version=">=2.0.0"/>