silknow / converter

SILKNOW converter that harmonizes all museum metadata records into the common SILKNOW ontology model (based on CIDOC-CRM)
Apache License 2.0
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Possible Time span bug: "ca. 1855 (made)" appears very often #51

Closed tschleider closed 4 years ago

tschleider commented 4 years ago

The following very precise query gives so many results, that it looks suspicious

select ?s where {
  ?s ecrm:P4_has_time-span / rdfs:label "ca. 1855 (made)" 
tschleider commented 4 years ago

@pasqLisena - Suggestion to close: I checked through a lot of these digital objects, and checked their original JSON files. In every single case this date is exactly set like this, so this means no bug.

Examples (look at rdfs:comment /P1 descriptions) :

rtroncy commented 4 years ago

The year 1855 has been rich !