sillerud / pol_league_of_legends

An updated PlayOnLinux script for running League of Legends
MIT License
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Crash screens keeps coming one after an other #5

Open IronJaeger opened 7 years ago

IronJaeger commented 7 years ago

Hi, thank you for this script. I tried to use it but after launching i had the logo on the center then it desapeared but it was still downloading as i noticed in the system monitor. then It stopped downloading and ket showing crash screens. I had to kill the process so it stops

This is the log I pulled from the game's directory : 000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2017-03-29T05:43:12.116 000000.000| ALWAYS| Application Version: - CL:195943034 - Build Date: MNT DY YEAR - Build Time:HR:MN:SC 000000.000| ALWAYS| Log file C:/Riot Games/Logs/Patcher Logs/2017-03-29T05-43-12_207_LoLPatcherUx-renderer.log 000000.000| ALWAYS| Running LoLPatcherUx version 000000.000| OKAY| Initial working directory: "C:\Riot Games\RADS\projects\lol_patcher\releases\\deploy" 000000.001| OKAY| Current process: "C:\Riot Games\RADS\projects\lol_patcher\releases\\deploy\LoLPatcherUx.exe" 000000.001| OKAY| Command line arguments: --type=renderer --force-device-scale-factor=1 --no-sandbox --enable-deferred-image-decoding --lang=en-US --lang=en-US --disable-spell-checking --device-scale-factor=1 --enable-delegated-renderer --enable-impl-side-painting --num-raster-threads=1 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-webrtc-hw-encoding --disable-gpu-compositing --channel=226.0.184740981\31653797 --app-name=LoLPatcher --ux-name=LoLPatcherUx --ux-helper-name --log-dir=Patcher Logs --bugsplat-name --project=Release --app-port=40089 --app-log-file-path=C:/Riot Games/Logs/Patcher Logs/2017-03-29T05-41-59_71_LoLPatcher.log --primary-ux-log-file-path=C:/Riot Games/Logs/Patcher Logs/2017-03-29T05-43-11_226_LoLPatcherUx.log /prefetch:673131151 000000.002| ALWAYS| Cef CommandLine: "C:\Riot Games\RADS\projects\lol_patcher\releases\\deploy\LoLPatcherUx.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-scale-factor=1 --no-sandbox --enable-deferred-image-decoding --lang=en-US --lang=en-US --disable-spell-checking --device-scale-factor=1 --enable-delegated-renderer --enable-impl-side-painting --num-raster-threads=1 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-webrtc-hw-encoding --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="226.0.184740981\31653797" --app-name=LoLPatcher --ux-name=LoLPatcherUx --ux-helper-name --log-dir="Patcher Logs" --bugsplat-name --project=Release --app-port=40089 --app-log-file-path="C:/Riot Games/Logs/Patcher Logs/2017-03-29T05-41-59_71_LoLPatcher.log" --primary-ux-log-file-path="C:/Riot Games/Logs/Patcher Logs/2017-03-29T05-43-11_226_LoLPatcherUx.log" /prefetch:673131151 000000.012| OKAY| Browser 1 created. 000000.411| OKAY| Registering V8 context for browser 1, frame 1, url http://riot:f8EIEKR0FEnyyLI8vDXDyw@ 000000.917| ERROR| Crash Occurred

My OS is Solus, running on a 2nd gen i5 24OO 3.1Ghz - 8GB DDR3 - Nvidia Quadro FX 1800, thanks

jleaders commented 7 years ago

By crash screens do you mean riots Bug Splat?

IronJaeger commented 7 years ago

If you mean by Bug Splat the report screen with heimerdinger, yes

ghost commented 7 years ago

The BugsSplat can be resolved installing the vcrun2005, vcrun2008 and corefonts