I found in TNND Gen 12:9 (and other places) where the notes use multiple ellipses in the \n2 tec:
\n1 \tec If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left:\tec* Here Abram told Lot to go wherever he wished to live. Abram would live elsewhere. For example:
\qp If you want that area over there, then I’ll stay here. If you want to stay in this area, then I’ll move to another place. (NLT96)
\n2 Since Abram was the leader of the family, he had the right to choose the land he wanted. But he gave up that right and allowed Lot to choose first.
\n2 \tec left…right…right…left:\tec* In Hebrew, the words \trs left\trs* and \trs right\trs* could also mean “north” and “south.”\f + \ft Hebrews often referred to directions in relation to their position facing the rising sun. Thus the word “in front of, before” (Hebrew: \heb qedem\heb*) could also mean “east.” The word “left” (Hebrew: \heb šǝmoʾl\heb*) could mean “north”; “right” (Hebrew: \heb yamin\heb*) could also mean “south.” See also 13:14, where the four directions, north, south, east, and west are used.\f* Use the natural way people refer to directions in your language. You may also translate in a general way. For example:
\qp You go one way, and I’ll go the other. (GNT)
12.7.1 flags the \n2 tec as incorrect. Is it possible to allow for multiple ellipses in this test? If not, add to the end of the message: ', or you are using multiple ellipses.'
I found in TNND Gen 12:9 (and other places) where the notes use multiple ellipses in the \n2 tec: \n1 \tec If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left:\tec* Here Abram told Lot to go wherever he wished to live. Abram would live elsewhere. For example: \qp If you want that area over there, then I’ll stay here. If you want to stay in this area, then I’ll move to another place. (NLT96) \n2 Since Abram was the leader of the family, he had the right to choose the land he wanted. But he gave up that right and allowed Lot to choose first.
12.7.1 flags the \n2 tec as incorrect. Is it possible to allow for multiple ellipses in this test? If not, add to the end of the message: ', or you are using multiple ellipses.'