sillsdev / SpeechAnalyzer

SIL Speech Analyzer is a Windows program for acoustic analysis of speech sounds.
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bug: Add shortcuts to select next/previous graph #37

Closed terrygibbs closed 3 years ago

terrygibbs commented 3 years ago

Hi, I now realize that I've miss-understood what Mr. Roussi was saying and what he was asking for. I heard him say Graph which I interpreted as "The Window" that hold all of the Graphs. But what he was talking about was the sub-Graphs that are within the main file. That is, I was thinking that he wants to use Shift+Tab to go from one Graph window to another; like this...

Shift+Tab vx

But what he's thinking is the Shift-Tab feature that provided movement from one Plot window to another to another. So he is raising a valid point in that the current Shift-Tab function is completely incorrect. As I noted previously, in 2018 these 2 Key sequences were changed... -Modified shortcut keys for Shift-Tab and Alt-Tab. . Alt-Tab has been removed from usage. . Shift-Tab now selects the previous segment. I don't remember why Alt+Tab was removed from usage. It currently causes SA to show files on the desktop; which is of no use to us. The Shift-Tab feature was changed to provide the convention of using tabs to move left and right: Tab and Shift+Tab. Making this change broke the "Select a new active graph. Shift+Tab" feature, which never got fixed. Since Tab and Shift+Tab have been in use for such a long time, I suggest they be left as is. I suggest leaving the "Select another file (if open). Ctrl+Tab" feature as is since it will Tab to a new open file with-in SA. Since there is currently no way to move between multiples Graphs in a single file, as Mr. Roussi is asking for, it seems reasonable to "fix" this issue someday. Since Alt+Tab is not useful, I suggest connecting it instead to the Active Graph windows code that already exists, and as a result it will become the way to move between multiples Graph. Since Shift+Tab is not currently working for his use, his only choice it to use the mouse to select a sub-window. I have no idea how high a priority this should be, since it may be in little use now-a-days.

Sorry for not figuring all of this out sooner, Terry

darcywong00 commented 3 years ago

Initial discussion at

Additional comments from

After looking into the issue, I propose adding the following shortcuts: Ctrl+Down - Select next graph Ctrl+Up - Select previous graph If already at the first/last graph, wrap around.

This way, we:

darcywong00 commented 3 years ago

In a PM, the community site user approves using Ctrl and Down/Up

That would be great! Better than Shift+Tab.