sillsdev / SpeechAnalyzer

SIL Speech Analyzer is a Windows program for acoustic analysis of speech sounds.
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feat: LIFT export settings should be persisted for the user #69

Closed terrygibbs closed 2 years ago

terrygibbs commented 2 years ago

So that SA users would not have to continually re-enter the same data each time they export data from SA into FW, I suggest implementing the following feature in the Export Lift dialog box.

That is, when the user completes filling out the Export Lift "Language Code" table for the first time, then when the Export button is pressed, the first 8 items consisting of (Ref, etic, emic, Ortho, Eng, Nat, PL1, and PL2) would be placed in a Temp file. Then when the user uses Export Lift for a second time, the Temp file information would be used to automatically fill in the 8 items.

Note: SA already has a procedure in place for keeping track of various settings and restoring them. This feature is located in main menu item "Tools/ Options/ Startup".

In the specific case of the Export Lift dialog box, I suggest that the "Language Code" data become part of the existing "Export Folder" data. In this way the "Language Code" data will always be filled in with the users data.