sillsdev / l10nsharp

A .NET localization library for Windows Forms applications.
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Remove progress dialogs for xliff initialization #95

Closed StephenMcConnel closed 2 years ago

StephenMcConnel commented 2 years ago

This was discussed at the conference. I think this is the minimal change to the code that allows current behavior for programs that may still benefit from it.

This change is Reviewable

tombogle commented 2 years ago

src/L10NSharp/XLiffUtils/XLiffLocalizationManager.cs line 209 at r3 (raw file):

          var stringCache = new XLiffLocalizedStringCache(this, false);

          var extractedInfo = ExtractStringsWIthoutDialog(Name, additionalLocalizationMethods, namespaceBeginnings);

Not sure if "WithoutDialog" is particularly meaningful if there is NEVER a dialog.