sillsdev / ptx2pdf

XeTeX based macro package for typesetting USFM formatted (Paratext output) scripture files
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Tobelo & Galela #1004

Open edkotynski opened 1 week ago

edkotynski commented 1 week ago

When I print the entire Tobelo or Galela Leviticus using PTXprint 2.6.6 I always get the errors as seen in the attached files. But when I print chapters 1-39 it prints fine and if I print chapter 40 by itself it prints fine. I have run checks in Paratext but cannot discover the problem. If I use "Export to RTF" in Paratext, the whole file prints fine. I tried printing Sahu and Tobelo using PTXprint 2.6.6 and they print fine.

I talked with John Severn who is also working in these languages about this and he suggested that I contact you all about this. Can you help?



markpenny commented 1 week ago

I am surprised that these errors in the USFM did not show up when you ran the checks in Paratext. Did you run the Marker checks? There are several of them (in EXO) which is the book you sent.

Look in Gal EXO 4:23 there is a badly formed footnote: \f k \fr 4.23 \ft \f k \fr 4.23 \ft \f k \fr 4.23 \ft Sisupu 12:29\f*


In TBR there are 3 footnote-related errors:

\f + \fr 2.22 \ft Gersom - this has a \f separated from the closing The closing marker needs to be \f

\f Ma Da-damunu ge'ena ma no-nako 'ato ma JOU kawosi-singinawa 'o sowono.+ \fr 25.18 \f* - there is no content (no \ft text)

\f + \fr 26.31 \f* - same, nothing in this one
