sillsdev / ptx2pdf

XeTeX based macro package for typesetting USFM formatted (Paratext output) scripture files
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"Failed to canonicalise texts due to Syntax Error" #212

Closed davidc86 closed 3 years ago

davidc86 commented 4 years ago

Hi all, just got v1.1.8 to test. Changed almost nothing in my test configuration, and after a very long time (several minutes), PTXprint failed with: image

1) I'm assuming "canonicalise" is a new feature, correct? As I've never seen this before (at least never got this error before). 2) The Line Number is weird: 1,2556 -- looks like it should be 12,556 (but there aren't that many lines in SLU GEN at least not the original SFM version). 3) It complains that \xt link fields have to be closed with a \xt not a \x. But in every Xref (\x) field, we create a \xt link on the x-reference, and this is how Paratext creates this:

\x - \xo 1:3-4 \xt 2Kor. 4:6\x*

Paratext does NOT explicitly close the \xt field with a \xt marker, because the \x serves to close everything in that field. There are literally 2,054 xref fields in our project formatted this way. So, is this a new SFM check? Because the Checks we run in PT9.1 do not flag this as a problem. (BTW, it is good you check this well-formedness in every other location.)

Granted it would be trivial to add \xt to the end of every Xref field (i.e. \x -> \xt\x), but if that is required, then this requirement will impact all users of Paratext.

NOTE: after clicking OK for each of these errors produced for each book in my configuration(!) PTXprint went ahead and produced the PDF, but left out all the Pictures.

mhosken commented 4 years ago

A couple of things:

This all does feel like you have rather stale code. But that shouldn't be if you are using 1.1.8. Sigh. Well we'll keep digging. Feel free to create a zip archive and we'll take a look.

davidc86 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up on the switch to turn off if I need to. 1) It gets in the way only in that it appears to give wrong/inaccurate error. \x* is a valid close for \xt or any other marker in a \x field. 2) It would errors would be more user friendly if they were consolidated into a single list of books and errors, and it posted that error message once. This will be important when someone has 66 books in their cannon and has to click OK 66 times to get past this. 3) Actually no, all SLU scripture files are in simple Roman A-Z LtoR script -- basically the same punctuation rules English has. So any ideas why it is treating the files as one long line.

mhosken commented 4 years ago

Yes sorry about the \x* problem. Hopefully that is fixed in 1.1.9. If not we will try harder. The best way to see if your data is all in one line is to open a .SFM file in notepad say or something where you can turn line wrapping off and see if you have lots of lines of varying length or one very long line. Even with wrapping it should be obvious since line initial sfms will turn up mid line.

davidc86 commented 4 years ago

Odd, but this is MOSTLY dead. My configuration has 18 books in it. And v1.1.8 made me hit "OK" to Errors in all 18 books. This time there was only one error flagged and it was in 3JON (the last scripture "book"; there are still other non-scripture parts at the back). So either 1) you flagged only the \x \xt* error in the last book even though you found a pile of others, or 2) you were trying to consolidate all the errors found into one error dialog (THANKYOU!) but the summary shown in the dialog failed to mention all the other places errors were found. Either way, it is significantly better than v1.1.8. So, this bug is mostly dead.

KimB2017 commented 4 years ago

Not sure whether to create a new issue or continue here. I get "Fail to canonicalise texts due to a Syntax Error: missing space after verse number 27." It correctly shows the line,position. The "missing space" is in a verse bridge "\v 27-28". I had an n-dash in there but I changed it to a normal hyphen and still got the error in ptxprint. But PT proper does not consider this an error.

mhosken commented 4 years ago

Are you sure that's all that you have going on on that \v? I have many examples of bridged verses working just fine. Could you copy the line of text out of the Final SFM view in View+Edit just to be sure. TIA

davidg-sil commented 4 years ago

BTW: My reading of the USFM spec is that there MUST be a line break before \v, so if PT is allowing single-line files, then that seems like a bug.

davidc86 commented 4 years ago

Looking at my SF files in Notepad++ clearly shows line breaks. And they are well-formed.

So line breaks is not the problem. BTW, the Error shown in v1.1.9 has valid a line number and character offset. Just like shown in Notepad++:


But PTXprint promptly crashes after that is displayed. So no PDF file is created.

mhosken commented 4 years ago

Try I've done some work to stop crashes. But have I done enough?

On Mon, 28 Sep 2020, 22:59 davidc86, wrote:

Looking at my SF files in Notepad++ clearly shows line breaks. And they are well-formed.

So line breaks is not the problem. BTW, the Error shown in v1.1.9 has valid a line number and character offset. Just like shown in Notepad++:

[image: image]

But PTXprint promptly crashes after that is displayed. So no PDF file is created.

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davidc86 commented 4 years ago

Just downloaded and installed v1.1.9.2. But now it won't even let me set up hardly any of the options. It also didn't open with the last known Config and I can't select from the dropdown list either. And the Print button remains Gray. Unless there is a simple fix, this is not functional on my laptop.

Here is what I'm seeing. The top portion of the Basic Controls works, but the Configuration section is dead/Grayed:


All the Layout controls are gray:


All the Font Controls are gray:


All the Body Controls are gray:


BUT, the Notes Refs Controls are ACTIVE:


All other Controls are GRAY except the Tabs Controls. They are ACTIVE too.

Weird, any idea what is causing this?

davidc86 commented 4 years ago

On a whim I ran PTXprint v1.1.9.2 as administrator and it loaded properly with the Config file and all the controls working. But I still get the exact same "Failed to canonicalise texts..." in SLU 3JN line 33,56; as I did the 2nd time. (At least now it doesn't crash PTXprint. But it doesn't produce a PDF file either. Instead I get this XeTeX Log:

This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX) (preloaded format=xetex 2019.8.14) 28 SEP 2020 14:02 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN_BAKSLU.tex

(c:/My Paratext 9 Projects/SLU/PrintDraft/ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN _BAKSLU.tex (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/paratext2.tex \@ndhooks=\toks13 \@nithooks=\toks14 \@veryparhooks=\toks15 \p@rstylehooks=\toks16

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Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-para-style.tex \c@rrentcols=\count41 \he@dingbox=\box22 \lastdepth=\dimen35 \p@rlocs=\write0 \readp@rlocs=\read1 \prev@y=\count42 \this@y=\count43 \chap@y=\count44 \pr@vdelay=\count45 \th@sdelay=\count46 \j@nkbox=\box23 \ch@pterwd=\dimen36 \ch@pterbox=\box24 \ch@pternote=\box25 \str@tbox=\box26 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-char-style.tex \n@tenesting=\count47 \p@ranesting=\count48 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-note-style.tex \n@tecl@sses=\toks19 \AboveNoteSpace=\dimen37 \InterNoteSpace=\dimen38 \NoteCallerWidth=\dimen39 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-stylesheet.tex \dropnumbersize=\dimen40 \dropnumberraise=\dimen41 \v@rsehooks=\toks20 \prev@rsehooks=\toks21 \styl@sheet=\read2 \origb@selineskip=\dimen42 \t@stread=\read3 \AdjListPath=\toks22 \PicListPath=\toks23 \PtxFilePath=\toks24 \do@ctive=\toks25 \FontSizeUnit=\dimen43 \IndentUnit=\dimen44 \PaperWidth=\dimen45 \PaperHeight=\dimen46 \MarginUnit=\dimen47 \BindingGutter=\dimen48 \TitleColumns=\count49 \IntroColumns=\count50 \BodyColumns=\count51 \le@dingunit=\dimen49 \verticalsp@ceunit=\dimen50 \topm@rgin=\dimen51 \bottomm@rgin=\dimen52 \textwidth=\dimen53 \textheight=\dimen54 \colwidth=\dimen55 \ExtraRMargin=\dimen56 \gutter=\dimen57 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-references.tex \c@untA=\count52 \c@untB=\count53 \oddhead=\toks26 \evenhead=\toks27 \titlehead=\toks28 \noVoddhead=\toks29 \noVevenhead=\toks30 \oddfoot=\toks31 \evenfoot=\toks32 \titlefoot=\toks33 \noVoddfoot=\toks34 \noVevenfoot=\toks35 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-cropmarks.tex \topcr@p=\box27 \bottomcr@p=\box28 \pdfcropwidth=\dimen58 \pdfcropheight=\dimen59 \tabheight=\dimen60 \tabwidth=\dimen61 \TabsStart=\dimen62 \TabsEnd=\dimen63 \NumTabs=\count54 \b@rder=\box29 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-toc.tex \t@cfile=\write1 \tocc@l=\count55 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-tables.tex \cellb@x=\box30 \t@talwidth=\dimen64 \linec@unt=\count56 \lct@mp=\count57 \sp@re=\dimen65 \exc@ss=\dimen66 \thr@shold=\dimen67 \nth@line=\count58 \tabler@ws=\count59 \maxtablec@l=\count60 \tablec@l=\count61 \@col=\count62 \@row=\count63 \allocatedtablec@ls=\count64 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-adj-list.tex \@djparindex=\count65 \@djlist=\read4 \curr@djpar=\count66 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-pic-list.tex \p@clistsuff=\count67 \p@clistentries=\count68 \p@clistused=\count69 \p@cusecheck=\toks36 \p@clist=\read5 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-cutouts.tex \@numcuts=\count70 \@parshapelines=\count71 \@index=\count72 \@line=\count73 \@after=\count74 \@until=\count75 \@width=\dimen68 \@indent=\dimen69 \@hsize=\dimen70 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-callers.tex \c@llernum=\count76 \numc@llers=\count77 \n@tepages=\write2 \n@tepagetest=\read6 \AutoCallerStartChar=\count78 \AutoCallerNumChars=\count79 ) (c:/Program Files/PTXprint/ptx2pdf/ptx-figure.tex \bottomins=\insert252 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\toc1 \toc2 \toc3 \toca1 \toca2 \toca3 \rem \sts \restore \imt \imt1 \imt2 \imt3 \imt4 \imte \imte1 \imte2 \is \is1 \is2 \iot \io \io1 \io2 \io3 \io4 \ior \ip \im \ipi \imi \ili \ili1 \ili2 \ipq \imq \ipr \ib \iq \iq1 \iq2 \iq3 \iex \iqt \ie \c \ca \cp \cl \cd \v \va \vp \p \m \po \pr \cls \pmo \pm \pmc \pmr \pi \pi1 \pi2 \pi3 \pc \mi \nb \q \q1 \q2 \q3 \q4 \qc \qr \qs \qa \qac \qm \qm1 \qm2 \qm3 \qd \b \mt \mt1 \mt2 \mt3 \mt4 \mte \mte1 \mte2 \ms \ms1 \ms2 \ms3 \mr \s \s1 \s2 \s3 \s4 \sr \r \sp \d \sd \sd1 \sd2 \sd3 \sd4 \tr \th1 \th2 \th3 \th4 \th5 \tc1 \tc2 \tc3 \tc4 \tc5 \thc1 \thc2 \thc3 \thc4 \thc5 \tcc1 \tcc2 \tcc3 \tcc4 \tcc5 \thr1 \thr2 \thr3 \thr4 \thr5 \tcr1 \tcr2 \tcr3 \tcr4 \tcr5 \lh \li \li1 \li2 \li3 \li4 \lf \lim \lim1 \lim2 \lim3 \lim4 \litl \lik \liv \liv1 \liv2 \liv3 \liv4 \liv5 \f \note-f=\insert247 \fe \note-fe=\insert246 \fr \ft \fk \fq \fqa \fl \fw \fp \fv \fdc \fm \x \note-x=\insert245 \xo \xop \xt \xta \xk \xq \xot \xnt \xdc \rq \qt \nd \tl \dc \bk \sig \pn \png \addpn \wj \k \sls \ord \add \lit \no \it \bd \bdit \em \sc \sup \pb \fig \jmp \pro \rb \w \wh \wg \wa \ndx \periph \p1 \p2 \k1 \k2 \xtSee \xtSeeAlso \ph \ph1 \ph2 \ph3 \phi \tr1 \tr2 \ps \psi \fs \wr \pub \toc \pref \intro \conc \glo \idx \maps \cov \spine \pubinfo \zpa-xb \zpa-xc \zpa-xv \zpa-d Reading Paratext stylesheet "ptx2pdf.sty"... Reading Paratext stylesheet "../../SLU/custom.sty"... \is3 \po \qd \lh \lf \lim \lim1 \lim2 \lim3 \lim4 \xop \xt \xta \png \fwj \wa \zs1 \zs2 \zlc1 \zlc2 \zlc3 \zlc4 Reading Paratext stylesheet "../shared/ptxprint/AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25/Nested Styles.sty"... \zImageCopyrights Reading Paratext stylesheet "../shared/ptxprint/AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25/ptxpri nt-mods.sty"... \nd +nd \wj +wj \pgnum (c:/My Paratext 9 Projects/SLU/PrintDraft/ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN _BAKSLU.notepages) \langund=\language98 \decorationbox=\box41

Baselineskip for p undefined, set to 14.99399pt topskip=14.99399pt

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[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] (no adjustment list "../shared/ptxprint/AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25/AdjLists/ptxpr int-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN_BAKSLU.toc.adj" found) (no picture list "tmpPicLists/ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN_BAKSLU.toc. piclist" found)

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\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x25.6913 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 .\kern -1.8063 .\kern 0.0 .\font Kej. .\kern 7.22743 .etc.

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\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

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\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

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\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

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\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (7.22743pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 594

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (7.22743pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 568

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (7.22743pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 542

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (7.22743pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 395

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (7.22743pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 230

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (7.22743pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 217

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

Overfull \hbox (3.28651pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 325--325 \font 12

\hbox(8.37402+3.07616)x19.05019 .\glue(\leftskip) 1.8063 plus 1.0fil .\kern -1.8063 .\penalty 10000 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil .\kern 0.0 .etc.

[11 \openout2 = `ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN_BAKSLU.notepages'.

\openout3 = `ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN_BAKSLU.picpages'.

] (no adjustment list "../shared/ptxprint/AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25/AdjLists/01GEN SLU-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25.SFM.adj" found)

(using pictures from list "tmpPicLists/01GENSLU-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25.SFM.pi clist") (./01GENSLU-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25.SFM ! Undefined control sequence. \ch@ckadjustments ->\edef \c@rref {\id@@@ \ifdiglot \ifdiglotL L\else R\fi ...

\the \@veryparhooks \beginL \pdfsavepos \write \p@rlocs {\noexpan... K l.6 \mt1 K hyehyeike Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 3963 strings out of 492755 44993 string characters out of 6141600 108344 words of memory out of 5000000 7939 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 4946 words of font info for 21 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 1582 hyphenation exceptions out of 32749 35i,12n,19p,493b,181s stack positions out of 30000i,500n,10000p,500000b,80000s Output written on ptxprint-AlkitabSelaru-2020-09-25-GEN_BAKSLU.pdf (11 pages).
davidc86 commented 4 years ago

I found that adding \zthumbtab above the main title was trashing the process. So I put it in a \rem for now like this: \rem zthumbtab KOL But even then I couldn't the error that was hitting me on the 3JN \xt \x* for some very strange reason, since it doesn't show up anywhere else as a problem (even though that combination of markers shows up over 100 times in my files). Turning off the "Clean up USFM markers" on the Advanced tab, caused the whole process to die sooner, because I think you are still not ignoring \rem fields. And my \rem thumbtab field is above the Main Title. But if I put it elsewhere, it will confuse the teams. And if I remove it altogether, I'm back where I st arted. Maybe the Tabs needs to use a TOC4, field and we can put whatever we want there for Tabs. (I realize this is combining 2 issues in one, but the blocking and crashing problems are interrelated -- though PTXprint is no longer requiring being run as admin after the first run (πŸ‘πŸ» ) and it apparently v1.1.9.2 is not crashing completely, like 1.1.9 (πŸ‘πŸ» ). Still I can't get it to complete the Print process nor will it properly build my PicList files. A friend asked about using 1.1.9 to print John; I sent him back to 1.1, so he is okay for now.

mhosken commented 4 years ago

Please cut and paste the relevant lines from 3JN around the error. It's hard to debug with one's eyes shut.

mhosken commented 4 years ago

To check whether we are "ignoring \rem fields" look at the final .sfm. You should find that the offending line is removed. We have been stripping \rem lines as well as others, for a long time. Remember it is that final SFM that is processed by TeX, so it's a great place to look to see whether a problem is in ptxprint generating a text for TeX to process or in the TeX processing.

Out of interest what do you actually use \toc3 for? I don't see any use for it in typesetting outside tabs and maybe wanting a 3rd level in your table of contents. But perhaps that is your use? As usual. Not having a copy of your project (ZIP archive) makes it really hard to work out what is going on and to fix things.

mhosken commented 3 years ago

The cause of the problem is the use of lowercase key values in the .sty file as in the following from the custom.sty:

\Marker xt
\StyleType character
\TextType notetext

which should really be Character and NoteText respectively. We are working to alleviate the need to get this kind of thing right. So once we are resiliant against such errors, I'll mark this bug fixed.

davidc86 commented 3 years ago

In Paratext there are 3 levels of "references":


The TOC1 is the full convoluted name of the book, like "Various Acts of the Apostles of Jesus" While TOC2 is a shortened version, like "Acts of the Apostles" And TOC3 is the abbreviated version, Act., which is used for in all the footnotes and cross-references, parallel passage references, and "Read the Bible in a Year" references.

What we need though is a TOC4 which is a clean, all-caps, version of TOC3, so TOC4 can be tailored to the Thumb Indexes, like ACT etc.

mhosken commented 3 years ago

This is a new issue #240. Let's keep one issue for one issue.

mhosken commented 3 years ago

Further, the ptx macros are not so forgiving for incorrectly cased NoteText and Character. So even though we may have fixed the syntax errors, I'm pretty certain that the ptx macros are not going to do the right thing with these. And I'm thinking that it is starting to ask a lot for the ptx macros as well as all software to consider this stuff caseless, just so that users don't have to fix their .sty files. In addition, we now have a visual editor that allows people to get the case right, thus not needing to have them type any styles. I think we'll call this won't fix and fixed.

davidc86 commented 3 years ago

Roger copy on that. Seems reasonable that we should not be allowed to have typos in Config/Settings/Sty files, especially if/when these are maintained by a computer rather than a human. Early version, manual testing on my part put these typos in. When I revised all the typos, the \x* no longer gave any errors.

So this thread should be considered closed. Unless to suggest a note in the documentation stating that Typos of Case in any setting files will cause PTXprint to not function correctly.