Open davidg-sil opened 1 year ago
@mhosken This is what needs to be fixed:
@davidg-sil At present the UI only allows multiples of 0.5 as the step value. Should this be changes to allow more refined values such as 3.7 with a step of 0.1?
I would have thought so, yes. Well... maybe not: I don't know it's possible in the world of glade, but the fractional values are only valid when it's counting lines for cutouts, not when counting paragraphs. The tool tip says that, so I guess it's not possible, in which case maybe 0.5 and allowing people to set other values is a good compromise.
While talking UI issues on that page, 'Before verse' strikes me as a bit confusing, even with the tool-tip. Would 'Immediate' work?
tentative fix committed
The fix hasn't changed anything (yet). The .piclist file still has a rounded number "cl3" instead of what the UI shows "cl2.5":
RUT 1.11 rūtun gir sēriyaḍun barobar nayomi son inval|src="co00956b.tif" size="col" pgpos="cl3" ref="1:15" scale="0.4"
I still need to work out a way (in the UI) to only allow integers for "Number of Paragraphs", while allowing 1 decimal place for "Number of Lines".
This is still broken (as of 2.3.22):
and the UI doesn't allow + / - to be clicked when it is a Paragraph:
Still broken. I've been doing some digging. Bug looks to be connected to the field being prefixed s_
Still broken. (pre-2.6.5) To update / reiterate, there are 2 problems:
Fixed for 2.6.8
Cutout positions can be fractions of a line, to allow for more precise positioning of the image within the cutout. The UI allows setting fractional values but it seems to turn the fraction into an integer when you try do actually do this.
Turning the value into a (positive) integer is correct for paragraph offsets, but incorrect for cutouts.