sillsdev / serval

A REST API for natural language processing services
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Get Peter creds #378

Open johnml1135 opened 2 months ago

johnml1135 commented 2 months ago

S3 bucket min access creds for docker-compose ClearML service agent creds

Enkidu93 commented 1 month ago

Our conclusion regarding service accounts given we only are able to have two (?) is that we'd have one service account for production serval jobs and another for QA serval as well as onboarding. Is that correct, @ddaspit? I'm happy to go ahead and make this happen. I also know @mshannon-sil was offering to set up service accounts.

ddaspit commented 1 month ago

@Enkidu93 Yes, that is what we want.

Enkidu93 commented 1 month ago

I'm seeing two service accounts already there - serval and silnlp. Did you @johnml1135 or @mshannon-sil create these for production and QA/onboarding? If so, should we rename them to make their intended scopes clear?

mshannon-sil commented 1 month ago

I think John set those up, but it looks like they've never been used, so we can go ahead and rename them. If you need administrator access to rename them/get credentials, I can take care of that.

Enkidu93 commented 1 month ago

OK, sounds good! I have admin access, so I should be good to go - thank you!

Enkidu93 commented 1 month ago

Ideas for naming? I'll do serval-production for the one, but what about the other since its intended use is twofold? testing? research? serval-testing-and-onboarding? internal?

mshannon-sil commented 1 month ago

I'm in favor of serval-testing-and-onboarding since it's most specific/accurate, and none of the general names quite capture the purpose.

Enkidu93 commented 1 month ago

Partial duplicate of #351