sillsdev / web-languageforge

Language Forge: Online Collaborative Dictionary Building on the Web and Phone.
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Entry Tagging #1008

Closed megahirt closed 2 months ago

megahirt commented 3 years ago

I have observed that users would like the ability to tag entries in a general sense for later processing. This is similar to the "star" in Gmail. The user wants to be able to "star" or "tag" an entry to remember it, and then be able to filter based upon that tag or star. @rmunn suggested we provide a set of color tags or stars, not just one star.

@alex suggested that we consider how these tags could be easily transferred back into FLEx, and we decided that a custom field option list was the best way to do that.

alex-larkin commented 3 years ago

Great summary of our conversation! I will just add that if there is ever any kind of entry data that is not synced with FLEx, that that limitation should be communicated with the user the first time(s) that he creates said data.

I would like to encourage the development team to always ensure all data is syncable. (Though a short-term no-sync limitation during the development of a feature would be acceptable).

rmunn commented 3 years ago

Here's what I wrote in #1153, which I created when I hadn't noticed that this card exists:

One user wanted the ability to mark certain entries, and then have a filter that would show only the marked entries. Something like the "star" feature in Gmail. Then a filter could be used to see only the starred entries, or only the unstarred ones.

This would involve a new boolean property on entries in MongoDB, or perhaps we could plan ahead and make it a string so that we could have multiple label colors à la Trello (red, blue, green...). There would also be UI to mark or unmark ("star" or "unstar") the entry on the entry view page, and the star would show up in the entry list view on the left.

The star status would not be sent in a Send/Receive operation; this would be in Language Forge only and would not show up in FieldWorks. (Unless user feedback suggests that they want to see the star status in FieldWorks as well, in which case we'd track that work in a separate issue).


rmunn commented 3 years ago

Also, Alex Larkin said:

If this is implemented without FLEx support, please notify the user when he starts using the feature that stars won't be visible in FLEx.

I imagine a common reason for starring entries would be to prepare them for publication, which would generally be done via an export from FLEx. Workaround: without FLEx compatibility, I guess that the user could also manually mark the publication field, or a field custom to his project. Ensuring 100% alignment between stars and a second field would likely be difficult, though.

What are other use cases for starring?

I'm copying that comment over here as well so the whole conversation is visible here.

rmunn commented 2 years ago

Design decisions reached after discussing this with Chris yesterday:

alex-larkin commented 2 years ago

Sounds good! Exciting stuff.

A note regarding machine translation: machines can still botch single-word translations, because words often have more than one sense. And the machine may not have the needed context. (Granted, translating all the colors together should help with context.)

Here are some examples, though my main concerns are orange and to a lesser extent, star.


  1. N. Cosmic burning gas ball
  2. N. Celebrity
  3. V. To mark something as important


  1. Adj. The color
  2. N. The fruit


  1. Adj. The color
  2. Adj. Cowardly


  1. Adj. The color
  2. Adj. Environmentally friendly


  1. Adj. The color
  2. Adj. Depressed

Also, languages divide up colors differently. For example, our English blue is divided up into two colors in Korean and Russian. Those interested can check out this fascinating short paper on the subject

I imagine most of the translations will probably be fine. Could we do the machine translation and then message all of our Transifex volunteers and ask them to check them? (Is there a way to do that?)

Another option is to check translations in Dictionaries, like in though that could be tedious.

Are we going to translate into the five non-English, non-semantic-domain-only languages listed on production?


rmunn commented 2 years ago

Figured out a UI for displaying multiple tags on an entry in the list view. We currently have an orange bar if an entry has comments. For tags, I figured we would add other color bars. Problem is, the orange bar is implemented with a CSS border-right, and you can only have one border in CSS. But you're allowed to use multiple box-shadow specifications. By making the box shadow inset the shadow appears inside the element instead of outside. Then by not using any blur, it doesn't look shadow-like at all but does achieve the desired effect. Here's a mockup of sample list entry with just a 5-pixel border-right in orange:


And here's the same list entry with red and yellow tags added:


The CSS used to add the red and yellow tags was:

box-shadow: inset -5px 0px yellow, inset -10px 0px red

Since the pixel values will be dependent on how many tags are on an entry, we can't use static CSS for this. Instead, I'll add a style attribute to the elements that need it and calculate the pixels on the fly in Angular JS.

BTW, I used to experiment with the CSS. The immediate feedback of editing the style and seeing it "live" on the right was a great development experience.

rmunn commented 2 years ago will track the Send/Receive portion of this feature.

rmunn commented 2 years ago

The feature/entry-tagging branch (not yet in a PR) is where I'm working on the LF implementation of this feature.

megahirt commented 2 years ago

The UI changes for the entry tagging feature manifest in a number of places: