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Voltage message ignored intentionally? #11

Open Bwooce opened 2 weeks ago

Bwooce commented 2 weeks ago

It's not really important for me because all my blinds are mains-powered but I don't know if ignoring this was intentional, maybe it's just redundant to bother decoding it given it's in the main information packet. Also only 1 of 4 of my blinds does it, from what I've seen so far.

I get, from one of my blinds only, a debug message: recv < b'!XMFpVc00000,R8B;' which doesn't get parsed e.g. No match for: !XMFpVc00000,R8B; about half a second after a recv < b'!XMFr100b180,R8B;' (QUERY_POSITION_RESPONSE).

Looking at the latest Linq docs [2021 dated] it looks like this is a voltage message e.g. their sample motor response !123pVc01198; which decodes as device:123 volt:11.98v. Mine is zero because it's mains-powered I imagine.

The current WS_ROLLER_VOLTAGE regex doesn't match this because it's used for the vo decode, and it's not a RESPONSE anyway.

Is it worth patching this in? Have you seen it before?