sillysloft / fluxbox

Fluxbox Window Manager (Mirror)
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Building Fluxbox 0.9.8 on OS/2 #278

Open sillysloft opened 20 years ago

sillysloft commented 20 years ago

Hi, these are my build notes to build on OS/2(emx) Note that I have a working 0.9.0 but unresolved symbols with 0.9.8 (see other bug report)

CD into util and execute make fluxbox-generate_menu

Then in data/Makefile change ../util/fluxbox-generate_menu to sh ../util/fluxbox-generate_menu

In src\I18n.hh change #ifdef HAVE_NL_TYPES_H // this is needed for linux libc5 systems extern "C" { #include <nl_types.h> }

to (this is from CVS)

#ifdef HAVE_NL_TYPES_H // this is needed for linux libc5 systems extern "C" { #include <nl_types.h> } #elif defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__EMX__) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus typedef int nl_catd; char *catgets(nl_catd cat, int set_number, int message_number, char *message); nl_catd catopen(char *name, int flag); void catclose(nl_catd cat); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // __cplusplus

#endif // HAVE_NL_TYPES_H

had to add this block to src/ #ifdef __EMX__ #define timercmp(tvp, uvp, cmp) \ (((tvp)->tv_sec == (uvp)->tv_sec) ? \ ((tvp)->tv_usec cmp (uvp)->tv_usec) : \ ((tvp)->tv_sec cmp (uvp)->tv_sec)) #endif

Had to add this to #ifdef __EMX__ #include <process.h> // for P_NOWAIT #endif and change this line spawnlp(P_NOWAIT, "cmd.exe", "cmd.exe", "/c", item->exec().c_str(), 0); to spawnlp(P_NOWAIT, "cmd.exe", "cmd.exe", "/c", m_cmd.c_str(), 0);

Had to add -lregex to the libs line in src/Makefile

Dave Yeo

Reported by: dryeo

sillysloft commented 20 years ago

Original comment by: fluxgen

sillysloft commented 20 years ago

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ok, the fbcommands and I18n fixes are in cvs, not sure about the and sh fbgm thingy though. The regexp lib should've been seen by configure...I will look into this later. Thanks.

Original comment by: fluxgen