sillysloft / fluxbox

Fluxbox Window Manager (Mirror)
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Unresolved symbols on OS/2 #279

Open sillysloft opened 20 years ago

sillysloft commented 20 years ago

Hi after some issues (see other bug report) I end up with these unresolved symbols during the final linking. fluxbox.o: Undefined symbol __ZN4FbTk8ResourceImE13setFromStringEPKc referenced from data segment fluxbox.o: Undefined symbol __ZN4FbTk8ResourceImE9getStringEv referenced from data segment

It looks like these functions are declared in src/FbTk/resource.hh but are not exported inFbTk.a. Building 0.9.0 I didn't have this problem, resource.hh was in src. I have the same problem with the CVS version. Dave ps using GCC 3.2.1, EMX, XFree86 4.4 on OS/2 ver 4.5

Reported by: dryeo

sillysloft commented 20 years ago

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Hi, I've found the problem causing the unresolved symbols. In these 2 templates need to be changed from long to unsigned long template<> void FbTk::Resource<long>:: setFromString(const char *strval) { if (sscanf(strval, "%ld", &m_value) != 1) setDefaultValue(); }

string FbTk::Resource<long>:: getString() { char tmpstr[128]; sprintf(tmpstr, "%ld", m_value); return string(tmpstr); }


Original comment by: dryeo

sillysloft commented 20 years ago

Original comment by: fluxgen