sillysloft / fluxbox

Fluxbox Window Manager (Mirror)
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-desktop option not honoured - fluxbox grabs all screens #455

Open sillysloft opened 19 years ago

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

I have a dual-head desktop (non-xinerama) where DISPLAY=:0.0 and :0.1 depending on which head the mouse is currently present.

When I start fluxbox with -display :0.0 I find that fluxbox starts up on both screens. The same thing happens with -display :0.1. This makes it impossible to start a second (different) window manager.

For example, I wish to run window maker on head 0 and fluxbox on head 1. I should be able to do this in my .xinitrc:

fluxbox -display :0.1 & wmaker --display=:0.0 &

But this doesn't work because fluxbox takes the role of window manager for both screens and wmaker cannot run.

I believe the correct behaviour should be that fluxbox starts on the selected screen and does not touch other screens at all, unless run with no -display option.

Reported by: meowsqueak

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=535531

A couple of corrections:

WindowMaker syntax was wrong - doesn't change the bug tho: wmaker -display :0.0

Secondly, if I start wmaker first on display :0.0, I can then start fluxbox and it only starts on display :0.1, presumably because the existing wmaker blocks it.

Original comment by: meowsqueak

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=535531

Additional info:

Using fluxbox-0.9.12-gentoo-r1

Also, when I try my previous workaround of loading wmaker first, and then fluxbox, I find that once I click on a window in fluxbox, I am completely unable to get keyboard focus back to any windows in WindowMaker. The mouse can select and click things, but keyboard focus never seems to leave fluxbox.

Original comment by: meowsqueak

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Original comment by: akir

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1101187

"-desktop" option is not .. part of fluxbox and thus it can not be honored.

-display or $DISPLAY .. i do see why fluxbox should not use all existing screens but your explanation of what $DISPLAY is doing is your oppinion. maybe kind of -specific flag should be introduced to tell fluxbox to use only the given $DISPLAY-screen. comments from the rest of the crew?

Original comment by: akir

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Original comment by: akir

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Original comment by: akir

sillysloft commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1101187

seems like someone requested it: 1159809 i ll close this one here.

Original comment by: akir