silnrsi / graphite

Graphite is a "smart font" system developed specifically to handle the complexities of lesser-known languages of the world.
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Where are the download instructions!? (Not working on latest updated Windows 10) #19

Closed dannYves closed 6 years ago

dannYves commented 6 years ago

There is no documentation anywhere on how to correctly compile this package!! I did see somewhere where cmake is needed, but that this did not work. Instead Microsoft Visual Studios 2008 is used but I don't understand the instructions.

I tried to extract the original graphite compiler but it is not working either and continues to give me an error where a dll file can not be found ...and with no other proper installation instructions it brings me here to ask for assistance.

mhosken commented 6 years ago

did you look at doc/building.txt? Our hope is that that document will meet the need.

dannYves commented 6 years ago

@mhosken did you look at doc/building.txt? Our hope is that that document will meet the need.

I found it after searching all over right after I commented but I was unable to generate any sort of files. I ultimately went on this site:, and followed the directions the best way I could but in the command prompt I kept getting an error that said: "cmake is unrecognizable as a command", so I inputted set PATH="C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\";%PATH% per this site:, and the path finally worked but --

now I am getting another error- here's a copy of the entire command: C:\Users\Yandiel>cmake -G "Visual Studio 2017" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGRAPHITE2_COMPARE_RENDERER:BOOL=OFF CMake Error: Could not create named generator Visual Studio 2017

I couldn't really find any information on the internet in connection with that in particular command prompt + CMake > outreaching to Visual Studios.

EDIT: In reference to the 'building notepad'... in step #1 I don't know how to create build directory, in step #3 I don't know how to generate files for a build system, and #3 I know nothing about binaries, and in step #4 since I was unable to complete the prior steps I am far from being able to clean the project. And surprisingly I have not been able to find any tutorials or information for any of these procedures, which is a shock to me because not everyone is knowledgeable in every aspect or application in programming script.

And I do apologize for my ignorance, I am sure any programmer would 100% understand these instructions in notepad but I am very unfamiliar with scripting, let alone programming so I am putting everything together on a whim so I am able to use the Graphite initiative in a font I am working on.

EDIT #2: I originally downloaded and executed the Graphite1 application but I kept getting an error where it was unable to find a specific .dll file. After a lot of research I was unable to fix that problem so that lead me to try and build Graphite2 instead.

mhosken commented 6 years ago

It sounds like this is hard going for you. I am wondering why you are wanting to build the graphite engine in the first place. Let's ensure that after all this work you are going to get what you expect. Building the graphite engine results in a dll that can only be used by an application that expects the graphite dll. It won't automatically cause an application that doesn't support Graphite to start supporting it.

dannYves commented 6 years ago

rtf (right to left) directionality and stacking diactricts which are not supported by command in most font creators that I'm aware of (though it's funny how rtl directionality is recognized by font editing programs) I'm using the program fontforge. The conlangs alphabet is very similar to Hebrew. I tried to edit and replace glyphs from another free source Hebrew font package, since it has a built in rtf feature already implemented but I realized that the process would make it inconvenient for me in the metrics window and each Hebrew letter has dimensions proprietary built upon the shape of the letter which means that I would have double work to do not including changing the files naming system. I am just attempting to build a font from scratch.

And yes I am having a very hard time with Graphite2 since programming isn't my strongest suit lol. I've just always been a hands on person, amateur jack of all trades, where I try to get everything done myself.

mhosken commented 6 years ago

You don't need to build the graphite engine to create a graphite font. The only reason to build the graphite engine is to integrate it into an application you are building. Instead I recommend using graide, the graphite ide, specially designed for those wanting to add graphite capability to their fonts. See here: Then, once you have a font, you can use it in various applications including LibreOffice and Firefox.

dannYves commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your help mhosken.. I did a little more research after reading your reply...

I must have misunderstood something along the line while creating my font because it's my understanding that the Graphite engine is used along with GDL files to extract a new font package... I was unaware that the graphite engine was a.dll...

I did end up downloading graphite Graide and I was toying around with it, it's much more user friendly than what I've been dealing with though there's an error that comes up when I do the tutorial which says that one of the GDL scripted codes is "unreadable" and it will not expose the cap lock letters like it shows in the pdf..I attempted it three times and all times it gave me the same error. Anyway I could still play around with it until I understand it more.. I really do feel like the graphite Graide application could go places, there's many people who could take advantage of it if it's put out there.

As far as the graphite engine goes, you're saying I would'nt need it?