silva96 / guessthehashtag

guess an instagram hashtag
MIT License
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Load next image in the background #2

Open kauron opened 8 years ago

kauron commented 8 years ago

This app would be better if the next picture was loaded and appeared instantly or with a small sliding animation, rather than the "loading" animation between each image. Another option would be to show a timer while loading the picture in order to keep the "rhythm" of the game.

kauron commented 8 years ago

There is an easy workaround for this issue: instead of showing the loading button on top of an empty screen, keep the last picture and answer and on the bottom of the screen (there is some space left) the spinning and loading caption can appear.

silva96 commented 8 years ago

I prefer start loading it when the current picture is being played. That shouldn't be difficult, please look at Picasso's api, without the .into() you can prefetch images and keep them in cache.