silva96 / guessthehashtag

guess an instagram hashtag
MIT License
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NSFW Content #6

Closed kauron closed 8 years ago

kauron commented 8 years ago

Instagram has a policy of no sexually explicit content, but there has appeared to me some content (I would say a 5-10% of the time). The tags seem to be unrelated to hide it from potential reports to Instagram, so there is no way to filter it tag-wise.

How could it be dealt with?


You may not post violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos or other content via the Service.

silva96 commented 8 years ago

Right now we are showing a random picture out of 20 we retrieve, we can retrieve 100and get a random between 80 and 100, this way we can get the oldest of the pictures of the hashtag which probably have been filtered Thats something I planned to do,see the play() method, the api call is getting last 20.

silva96 commented 8 years ago

There is no way to get older pictures without iterating over pages (multiple requests). But, I found a safe workaround. People who spams, always put a lot of hashtags, then an easy fix is to add this second condition on the filterMedia for loop

public ArrayList<Media> filterMedia(String type) {
        ArrayList<Media> filtered = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Media m : data) {
            if (m.getType().equals(type) && m.getTags().length < 5) filtered.add(m);
        return filtered;

adding a pull request

silva96 commented 8 years ago

@kauron what do you think?

kauron commented 8 years ago

@silva96, that seems a good workaround