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Integrating and Enforcing Prettier & ESLint #320

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Integrating and Enforcing Prettier & ESLint

How to resolve the conflict between Prettier and ESLint and use ESLint to enforce Prettier in your codebase.

Zamiell commented 2 years ago

Hey Matija,

This is a fantastic blog, and the conclusion of "just use 1 tool via eslint-plugin-prettier" was very helpful to me when I started setting up my linting framework back in 2019.

However, a friend pointed out to me recently that using eslint-plugin-prettier is not recommended by Prettier itself. I think Prettier's point of avoiding pointless "red squiggly lines in your editor" has some merit, so I am considering switching. (Another point that might have merit is the performance increase, but I haven't done any benchmarks myself.)

The other major point that my friend brought up has to do with projects that have other files than JavaScript/TypeScript. In the same way that you want your TypeScript files failing in CI when they are not formatted correctly, you would also want JSON/YAML/HTML files failing too. And ESLint can't lint those files - only Prettier can. So as long as a project has JSON/YAML/HTML/whatever files, even though we are trying to avoid installing/using two different tools, we end up using Prettier anyway. I have to admit that this is a pretty serious drawback, since lots of projects are going to have those kinds of files.

What do you think about this? And has your standard linting setup changed at all in the two years since you have written this blog?

silvenon commented 2 years ago

Hi Zamiell,

This is really interesting feedback, thank you! To answer your last question, I'm still using this setup, which is pretty unexpected even to me in the world where we change frameworks every couple of months 😄

I didn't know that Prettier discourages using eslint-plugin-prettier! I carefully read the documentation page you linked to, and I think their explanation is a little unfair because it doesn't point out the benefits of using eslint-plugin-prettier (talking about JavaScript and TypeScript now, I'll get to the rest later):

I can imagine that there is some impact on speed, though, I haven't measured it either. I would like to compare it, though.

Now let's talk about other file types that Prettier can format. First of all, you said something about avoiding/installing two different tools, but with the setup I recommend in my post (or any other for that matter) you'd be doing both, you're always both installing and using Prettier, it just varies how you're using it. For other file types you can have a separate setup, for example in lint-staged you might have eslint --fix set up for *.{js,ts}?(x) files, stylelint --fix or whatever it is for *.css, and for other files you might set up prettier --write.

I understand why this makes your friend ask why did would we join ESLint and Prettier at all if we're running Prettier separately for other file types, but the answer is hopefully simple — most benefits I mentioned previously still stand regardless of this, you also likely have less code written in other languages, so some of the problems that joining ESLint and Prettier alleviates might not be significant problems for them. Also, maybe you don't want Prettier to run on every file, only on some, perhaps in some cases you want to control the formatting.

In summary you should be able to combine both approaches just fine. What do you think about that?