My timeout is set to infinity, bigger than one setup in the server.
I do not get a result set from you server. It times out after 30 minutes.
Please advise how to retrieve around 6000 records.
What are the optimal parameters to pass.
After extensive tests and research it seams that offset value is the issue.
Once offset value increases to 2500, timeout occurs.
I have tested smaller "limit", too. Ranging from 50 to 5000. It times out at offset > 2000/2500.
What are the optimal values for the link above?
It would help a lot if you can please provide sample Csharp code to retrieve data above in a efficient way. What libraries do you recommend?
Let me know if you need other information. I would like to fix this as soon possible.
Please advise.
Thanks in advance,
Bogdan Daringa
Beverage Media Group
O: 201-820-4914
C: 908-770-3252
Good Morning,
Here is my query.
My timeout is set to infinity, bigger than one setup in the server. I do not get a result set from you server. It times out after 30 minutes. Please advise how to retrieve around 6000 records. What are the optimal parameters to pass.
After extensive tests and research it seams that offset value is the issue. Once offset value increases to 2500, timeout occurs.
I have tested smaller "limit", too. Ranging from 50 to 5000. It times out at offset > 2000/2500. What are the optimal values for the link above?
It would help a lot if you can please provide sample Csharp code to retrieve data above in a efficient way. What libraries do you recommend? Let me know if you need other information. I would like to fix this as soon possible.
Please advise.
Thanks in advance, Bogdan Daringa Programmer Beverage Media Group O: 201-820-4914 C: 908-770-3252