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Updating nested keys in frontmatter via snippet is broken #723

Closed gorootde closed 4 months ago

gorootde commented 4 months ago

The ([Snippets Documentation] states that if a frontmatter is already present, it will be combined with the one already present in the document.

This doesn't work for sub-keys and already existing keys.

Minimal Example:

    tags: template
    hooks.snippet.slashCommand: add-alias
    frontmatter: |
          - foobar

   - someAlias
--- will only contain someAlias after applying the snippet to, whereas it should contain foobar additionally.

zefhemel commented 4 months ago

Yeah, we can do some better object merging here.

zefhemel commented 4 months ago

Actually, if you use the | notation you'll include frontmatter verbatim as a string. If you pass it in as a YAML object you may get better results. You will have to make sure it's valid YAML though and therefore put quotes around directives, eg "{{something}}"

gorootde commented 4 months ago

I tried that as well. Deep merging does also not work when using a yaml object