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Introduce Space Style, similar to Space Script #790

Closed zefhemel closed 3 months ago

zefhemel commented 4 months ago

Inspired by

Perhaps we should have space-style in addition to space-script but containing CSS that is included on the page, similar to

For instance, as follows:

#sb-root {
   --editor-font: "Courier" !important;


Rationale: It would be nice to be able to add custom SilverBullet CSS across multiple pages, not just one as supported right now with the customStyles setting. This would allow for that contain:

For the future: it would then also be nice to more easily attach custom styles to page elements. I'm open to ideas for how this could work, the most obvious candidate would be this:

zefhemel commented 4 months ago

Also related:

NeilHanlon commented 3 months ago

I am in support of this idea--specifically one of my use cases is that I often create diagrams using PlantUML and/or Mermaid syntax, and being able to display those full-screen (or side-by-side..) would be a great addition which I could implement in some way with this styling.

zefhemel commented 3 months ago

This is now implemented by @onespaceman