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"Message ack timed out, resqueing" . . . "Message exceeded max retries, flushing message" on indexing #798

Open SONDLecT opened 3 months ago

SONDLecT commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to index a fairly large-but-not-ridiculously sized collection of existing markdown files into my space, but continually running into issues indexing apparently random notes. There's nothing about any of these notes that should, afaik, be causing issues with markdown. There are no illegal filenames, no broken YAML, sometimes the notes that fail to index are at the root level of the space, other times they are in subdirectories -- but try as I might I can't get things to index correctly.

[mq] Message ack timed out, requeueing {
  id: "1709799527852-000188",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/practice-exams/lettura-prova-n.7/ITPractica_Lettura_prova_n.7_2023-10-10T19-39-07",
  ts: 1709799693638
[mq] Message ack timed out, requeueing {
  id: "1709799527852-000189",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/practice-exams/lettura-prova-n.7/ITPractica_Lettura_prova_n.7_2023-10-10T19-32-06",
  ts: 1709799693638
[mq] Message ack timed out, requeueing {
  id: "1709799527852-000190",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/practice-exams/lettura-prova-n.7/ITPractica_Lettura_prova_n.7_2023-10-10T19-30-14",
  ts: 1709799693638
[mq] Message exceeded max retries, flushing message {
  id: "1709799527852-000147",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/Utilizzo del disco orario e del parchimetro",
  ts: 1709799628662,
  retries: 3
[mq] Message exceeded max retries, flushing message {
  id: "1709799527852-000148",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/Divieto transito mezzi pesanti",
  ts: 1709799628662,
  retries: 3
[mq] Message exceeded max retries, flushing message {
  id: "1709799527852-000149",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/Delineatori di margine",
  ts: 1709799628662,
  retries: 3
[mq] Message exceeded max retries, flushing message {
  id: "1709799527852-000150",
  queue: "indexQueue",
  body: "italiano/Rischio di incendio del veicolo",
  ts: 1709799628662,
  retries: 3
zefhemel commented 3 months ago

Ok, I'll see if I can make this a bit more sequential and tweak some timeouts to not overwhelm somewhat lower powered setups.

zefhemel commented 3 months ago

I tweaked the the message queue parameters now (it only processes 3 messages at a time, and has a double the length timeout). If you like, you can try this on edge or wait for the next release. Hopefully this solves the issue.

SONDLecT commented 3 months ago

Thanks! I gave it a spin but still encountering the same issues. Is there anything I can provide that may help diagnose things better? Logs, etc.? I'm running into the same issue even when I move to another more well resourced machine. I wonder if it's just more fundamentally related to importing a large body of notes? I'm trying to move ~1gb of markdown notes and attached images into the space.

zefhemel commented 3 months ago

I think the reload issue is unrelated to the errors you're seeing. The errors look like they come from the anchor $something syntax being used unintentionally with duplicates. I'll fix that, but I highly doubt it's the cause.

Are you using a release build or edge? I've also seen these reloads more often on edge and may have fixed them now, but still need to verify.

SONDLecT commented 3 months ago

I think the reload issue is unrelated to the errors you're seeing. The errors look like they come from the anchor $something syntax being used unintentionally with duplicates. I'll fix that, but I highly doubt it's the cause.

Are you using a release build or edge? I've also seen these reloads more often on edge and may have fixed them now, but still need to verify.

Living on the edge. Should I try reloading on the release build?