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Run or Open command CSS scroll bar fix #835

Open aarontocenter opened 3 months ago

aarontocenter commented 3 months ago

This simple css hot-fix will remove the unnecessary scroll bars from the Open and Run command popup. Specifically in macOS Safari and Firefox.

.sb-modal-box .cm-scroller > .cm-content > .cm-line{display: unset; line-height: 1.9 !important;}

Enjoy a clean interface again on macOS Safari


daydaya commented 3 months ago

Could you please share your custom css file?

I see from the screenshot that it looks very comfortable.

zefhemel commented 3 months ago

Let me have a look. I don’t see these scrollbars in neither of those browsers on Mac actually, is int not a result of your other CSS changes (they indeed look nice as @daydaya is saying)

aarontocenter commented 3 months ago

@daydaya -- sure, the CSS was from another poster, I want to give him credit. If you use his CSS, and add my fix above, it will do look very similar. I'm happy to share my code as soon as I have any bugs worked out ;-)

Vlad Gerasimov - @vladstudio

@zefhemel -- Only appears to be a Safari thing, works great in Firefox. See attached from screenshots. The "scroll bars" only appear before you start typing. I'm using Safari Version 17.4.1. I tested removing all my CSS and running default, and on my install they still appear as well.

Scroll Bar Error after pop-up run or command

Typing anything removes the scroll bars.

Typing anything removes the scroll bars
zefhemel commented 2 months ago

Very odd, this is what I see

CleanShot 2024-04-07 at 15 17 47@2x

CleanShot 2024-04-07 at 15 18 19@2x