silverbulletmd / silverbullet

The hackable notebook
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Running silverbullet as daemon without Docker(on OpenRC) #849

Open RVGamer06 opened 2 months ago

RVGamer06 commented 2 months ago

This is the service configuration file i made for running Silverbullet at boot with OpenRC.


name=silverbullet description="Silverbullet" supervisor="supervise-daemon"

command=/usr/bin/deno command_user=www:www command_args="run -A --unstable --unstable-kv --reload /mnt/disco/silverbulletmd -L0.0.0.0"

depend() { need net after firewall }

Without the supervisor="supervise-daemon"line, deno still binds to the CLI and i have to terminate or background it manually to return to CLI. But with this line, deno can't start and silverbullet does not either. Any suggestions on how to make it run as daemon WITHOUT Docker?

MrMugame commented 3 weeks ago

First of all (if the problem is still existent for you), I would recommend you use deno task compile to compile it into a single executable and then run that. It would remove the requirement for deno. But regarding the actually issue: