Open TrustyRat opened 1 year ago
Forgot to include the log:
warn: ZiggyCreatures.Caching.Fusion.FusionCache[0] FUSION [N=CACHE_RESULTS] (O=0HMUJDRGJ0TFI K=//--the image's url--): an error occurred while calling the factory System.InvalidOperationException: This operation is not supported for a relative URI. at System.Uri.get_IsFile() at CensorCore.ImageSharpHandler.LoadImage(String path) in /home/runner/work/censor-core/censor-core/src/CensorCore/ImageSharpHandler.cs:line 48 at CensorCore.AIService.RunModel[TTensor](String url, TensorLoadOptions`1 loadOptions, MatchOptions options) in /home/runner/work/censor-core/censor-core/src/CensorCore/AIService.cs:line 121 at CensorCore.AIService.RunModel(String url, MatchOptions options) in /home/runner/work/censor-core/censor-core/src/CensorCore/AIService.cs:line 115 at BetaCensor.Caching.CachedCensorImageRequestHandler.RunModel(CensorImageRequest request, MatchOptions options) in /home/runner/work/beta-censoring/beta-censoring/src/BetaCensor.Caching/CachedCensorImageRequestHandler.cs:line 1
Hmm, that's an odd one. As a potential workaround, does the error either change (or go away) if you turn off caching using the configuration file as outlined here?
Also, what version of Beta Censoring (the server) are you using?
I set up Beta Protection with a local BetaCensor.Server, but after some hefty loading every image becomes "Error! Beta detected!". Local censoring also fails. Any idea what I might have gotten wrong?
The only error I can notice is the yellow X in the settings under API status.