silverlays / NoIntro-Roms-Downloader

Download "datted" ROMs directly from the NoIntro libraries on Internet Archive using a user friendly interface (PyQt6).
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"Official" ROMs #1

Closed mariomadproductions closed 2 years ago

mariomadproductions commented 2 years ago

I don't think this should say the ROMs are "official" (even in quotation marks), that doesn't really make sense. The particular romsets that this program use may be outdated or inadvertently corrupted. To check if the ROMs match the No-Intro database, the ROMs should be hashed and checked against the dat files from DAT-o-MATIC. There's currently no API for downloading from DAT-o-MATIC, but you could bundle the dats with the program and manually update them occasionally.

Edit: I may submit a pull request for this (and maybe some others improvements) at some point.

silverlays commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for your feedback. I allowed myself to specify "official" because the dumps come from the official NoIntro repos hosted on (all those starting with <nointro.*>). It is however true that you score a point by talking about DAT-o-MATIC that could be integrated to check the quality of the dump after extraction. I'll see to integrate it for the next version. I also agree with you on adding a .dat updated regularly with each new version.

mariomadproductions commented 2 years ago

I'm 99.9% sure those aren't "official" - its not mentioned on the no-intro site anywhere and I've never heard anyone on the forum or anywhere talk about it. Generally the idea with datfiles is they provide a "source of truth" that anyone can use to create a "correct" set by gathering ROMs together. Its the same with Redump, TOSEC, MAME etc. Maybe better wording would be to say the ROMs are "catalogued", "listed", "indexed" or if you want to use the technical term - "datted", by No-Intro.

silverlays commented 2 years ago

I thought a little about your remark and made the decision to follow your recommendations. So I changed "official" to "datted" in the About and README.