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Any coupon applied 2 times #102

Closed Zykhatslover closed 4 years ago

Zykhatslover commented 4 years ago


Anytime I create a coupon, everything works fine except the coupon is applied 2 times on the order. This happens for every coupon types and on every product.

I'm using a fresh installation of SS4 by the way, I guess it comes from that but I'm not quite sure how to fix it.

Zykhatslover commented 4 years ago

Ok well, I found that it comes from the modifier I added in the yaml config. I actually added it without really knowing what it does, is removing it ok ?

Capture d’écran 2019-12-06 à 10 30 37
wilr commented 4 years ago

Yes it's probably already added so you're adding the modifier twice.