silverskater / jQuery-UI-Datepicker-MonthYearPicker-Addon

Month and year picker addon for the jQuery UI Datepicker. A considerable UX improvement compared to the month and year dropdowns.
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Back to start [Feature-Request] #8

Closed Daijobou closed 9 years ago

Daijobou commented 9 years ago

Great Addon! I love it. Can you add in the last step click on year, go back to day overview?

Like this version (not working with IE11)

silverskater commented 9 years ago

Thank you, Daijobou for the suggestion. The feature was added, original pull request: All credit goes to Thank you. Check out the new master or tag v1.11.4.

Daijobou commented 9 years ago

Thank you. There is a little bug. You need return in onclick

'onclick="return $.backToActualMonth();" '

otherwise you jump to home => href="#" ;)

silverskater commented 9 years ago

Thank you Daijobou for your suggestion, and rongybika for implementing it.