Make a quick determination as to whether the vulnerability fixed by the PR warrants using our security process
You can check to see if the dependabot alert affects non-dev dependencies by running yarn audit --groups dependencies locally on default branch of the module.
Use yarn audit --groups devDependencies to see dev-only dependencies.
Merge these PRs if there are no merge-conflicts and CI is green
If there are conflicts or CI isn't green, get dependabot to recreate the PR
If there are still problems, manually resolve them and open your own PR
Backport anything that seems like it needs to be patched immediately
Dependabot alerts:
After all of the above have been completed and resolved, check for any outstanding dependabot alerts in the list below.
Make a quick determination as to whether any alerts warrant using our security process
Ignore or dismiss any alerts that aren't relevant
Try to resolve any relevant alerts which dependabot is unable to resolve automatically
This is an automatically created issue used to list dependabot pull requests every 3 months.
It was created by the
workflow in the silverstripe/.github repository.Triage instructions (Silverstripe Ltd CMS Squad)
Dependabot pull-requests:
See the list of dependabot pull-requests in Rhino.
yarn audit --groups dependencies
locally on default branch of the module.yarn audit --groups devDependencies
to see dev-only dependencies.Dependabot alerts:
After all of the above have been completed and resolved, check for any outstanding dependabot alerts in the list below.
Respositories with alerts: